Dear PyLith team,
I am using Burger materials for simulating viscoelastic relaxation.
I was able to simulate a simple Burger rheology (one Kelvin element attached to a Maxwell element) in PyLith using the generalized Maxwell formulation.
However, do you think it is possible to simulate a more complex double Burger rheology with PyLith?
It consists of one Maxwell element and two Kelvin elements in series (like on the sketch attached).
Thank you for your feedback.
The double Burger rheology cannot be created using any of the current bulk rheologies implemented in PyLith. It could be added but this is not a priority for the PyLith developers. We do have a powerlaw viscoelastic rheology, which I believe is more commonly used for this type of behavior than a double Burger rheology.
Thank you for your answer.
Double Burger rheology may better fit the data in some cases than a powerlaw rheology, according to some studies (e.g. Klein et al., 2016).
Klein, E., Fleitout, L., Vigny, C., & Garaud, J. D. (2016). Afterslip and viscoelastic relaxation model inferred from the large-scale post-seismic deformation following the 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule earthquake (Chile). Geophysical Journal International, 205(3), 1455–1472.
Dear Boltzmann, may I know if you have solved this? I hope to learn your updates
Dear Haipeng,
I do not have a solution, I stuck to a 1-Burger rheology.