Rheology variation on slab

Dear everyone,

I would like to ask the possibility of having 2 different rheologies for slab material to be simulated in Pylith (interseismic-3D subduction).
In the example, the slab material is defined as a viscous material using Maxwell rheology. Is it possible to have an oceanic crust as a pure elastic layer on top of the slab? If it is possible, which part in the cfg file that should be put in attention.

Thank you in advance.
Alvina KK

If you want different bulk rheologies in a volume, then you need to subdivide the volume when constructing the mesh. You can then associate different materials to each volume in the PyLith parameter file just like the other volumes.

Dear Brad,

Thank your for your reply.
I have done this part (subdivide the volume) and assign their material parameter.

Regarding the sign of the reverse slip for both material. Will it become a problem if I define the reverse slip with positif sign for both?

Thank you in advance.
Alvina K K

I don’t know what you mean by reverse slip for both materials. Only faults have slip. The fault orientations are determined independent of each other and should be consistent. So if you have parallel faults that both have a reverse sense of slip, then you would assign the same sign for the slip for them.

I understand now. Previously I was thinking that we have to define the creep slip for the slab in order to portray the subducting process during the interseismic period. So if we have two material which is subducting in the same time then we have to define the slip for both.
But your explanation clarifies my understanding of this simulation.

Thank you for your help.
Alvina KK