Errors in installing Aspect on TACC-Frontera


I am new to Aspect. I followed the procedures of installing Aspect on TACC Stampede2 (Compiling and Running ASPECT on TACC Stampede2 · geodynamics/aspect Wiki · GitHub), as I suppose it will be similar to Frontera. When I tried to install candi by typing " ```
./ -j 48 --prefix=“$WORK2”/software/candi/install/

[ 60%] Built target isorropia_test_utils
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target amesos2
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target ifpack
[ 62%] Built target amesos2
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target xpetra-sup
[ 65%] Built target ifpack
[ 65%] Built target xpetra-sup
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target galeri-xpetra
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target galeri-epetra
[ 65%] Built target galeri-xpetra
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target belos
[ 66%] Built target galeri-epetra
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target zoltan2
[ 66%] Built target belos
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target belosxpetra
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target belosepetra
[ 67%] Built target zoltan2
[ 67%] Built target belosxpetra
[ 67%] Built target belosepetra
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target belostpetra
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target ml
[ 69%] Built target belostpetra
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target anasazi
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target anasaziepetra
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target anasazitpetra
[ 76%] Built target ml
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target ModeLaplace
[ 76%] Built target anasazi
[ 76%] Built target anasaziepetra
[ 76%] Built target anasazitpetra
[ 76%] Built target ModeLaplace
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target stratimikosifpack
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target stratimikosml
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target stratimikosamesos
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target stratimikosaztecoo
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target stratimikosbelos
[ 76%] Built target stratimikosifpack
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target stratimikosamesos2
[ 77%] Built target stratimikosml
[ 78%] Built target stratimikosaztecoo
[ 78%] Built target stratimikosbelos
[ 78%] Built target stratimikosamesos
[ 78%] Built target stratimikosamesos2
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target stratimikos
[ 78%] Built target stratimikos
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target teko
[ 78%] Linking CXX shared library
/opt/apps/gcc/8.3.0/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/teko.dir/NS/Teko_InvLSCStrategy.cpp.o: file not recognized: file truncated
make[2]: *** [packages/teko/src/] Error 1
make[1]: *** [packages/teko/src/CMakeFiles/teko.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
Failure with exit status: 2
Exit message: There was a problem building trilinos 13-2-0.

I don't know what these errors mean. Anyone has any ideas? Thank you very much!


Problem solved. Nevermind.

@Likhang I bet you ran out of disk space, right? Or memory during compilation?

Also, there is a guide for Frontera: Installation on Frontera · geodynamics/aspect Wiki · GitHub

Hi Wolfgang,

I think the problem was related to trilinos version. I changed it into 12-18-1, and it works. (I followed the instructions from a previous discussion, and it addresses my problem.)


Thank you! My problem is solved.