30 July 2020
Dear Community,
The Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics (CIG) is looking for members of the community interested in stepping forward to provide the vision and leadership necessary for the next stage of CIG, CIG IV. It will be impossible to move forward without community participation and the vision of individuals willing to take on leadership roles. To achieve the best possible outcome, we are eager to listen and engage the community about new models for the structure and as well as new directions for CIG IV.
Founded in 2005 with support from the National Science Foundation, CIG is a community of 86 member institutions and represents over 1,000 researchers, international and national, from across academia and governmental agencies. CIG supports the development and dissemination of software for geophysics and related fields by supporting the development of open source, community codes, maintaining the infrastructure for its reuse, and software training.
If you are interested in a leadership role in CIG IV, please provide us with a 1-2 page document (ideally one page) outlining a vision for CIG IV and what role you would like to have by August 17th, 2020. Note that the PI(s) on the NSF proposal will need to have an affiliation with a US higher education institution.
We are particularly interested in your vision for the future of CIG with respect to:
· Governance and Structure (single PI versus multiple PIs; centralized or distributed models)
· Education, Training and Outreach (including Diversity, Inclusion and Equity efforts)
· Scientific Mission and Priorities (science drivers; community engagement in setting priorities; prioritizing support of community codes)
· Partnerships with other groups and agencies (including international collaborations and additional funding opportunities).
Request for additional information and/or your vision statement should be sent to the CIG Search Committee by emailing me at:
clb@epss.ucla.edu <mailto:clb@epss.ucla.edu>
Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni
Chair CIG Search Committee
Louis B and Martha B Slichter Chair in the Geosciences
Department of Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences
University of California, Los Angeles
595 Charles Young Drive East,
Box 951567
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567
clb@epss.ucla.edu <mailto:clb@epss.ucla.edu>