[CIG-ALL] CIG IV: Showcase your involvement

26 February 2021

Dear Community,

As a community organization, your involvement in CIG either indirectly through your research or directly through governance and outreach is important in its continuation. For previous CIG proposals, we asked the community to provide “one-pagers” on their science using CIG resources. This was an impressive compendium of geodynamics in its breadth, quality and ideas represented. It was a powerful statement not only to the community but to our stakeholders.

As part of the CIG IV proposal, we are once again interested in showcasing the impact CIG has on your research. You can help us in two ways:

  1. Publications. Have we captured your publications using CIG sponsored software? If you cite CIG code in your paper, most likely we have it in our database.
  1. Research Highlight. We are interested in one page summaries of your research that CIG has facilitated through direct use of software, training, or workshops that facilitated collaborative efforts.


We appreciate your efforts in getting together with your colleagues to help us present CIG’s impact on geodynamics research for the CIG IV proposal.

Please feel free to forward this email to colleagues who may not be on this mailing list.

Bruce Buffet, UC Berkeley, co PI CIG IV
Lorraine Hwang, Director CIG, coPI CIG IV


Thanks for all of those who have been submitting publications in support of CIG science. And kudos to all who have figured out the correct link.

The updated link to submit publications is:

Looking forward to reading more about your great research!
