2-year postdoc position at Durham University

Dear all,

We are looking for an enthusiastic postdoctoral researcher to join the department of Earth Sciences at Durham University (UK) on a fully-funded 2-year PDRA project at Durham University on “Geodynamic modelling of the Virgin Islands as a proxy for early Earth geodynamics”. The project is part of the VIPER project.

The successful candidate will use geodynamic modelling to assess the tectonic feasibility of a range of proposed geodynamic scenarios to explain the tectonic and petrological observations (e.g., P-T ranges) of the Virgin Islands as a proxy for early Earth dynamics. This will involve both subduction zone and intraplate settings. In particular, the following parameters will be investigated: (1) mantle and crustal rheological properties, (2) potential source rock compositions of any melting processes taking place, and (3) ambient mantle temperature and lithospheric thickness. Potential implications for the Earth’s earliest crust formation will be explored in a set of numerical models with thermal and compositional settings that are appropriate for the early Earth. Calculations will be carried out with the flexible, and highly versatile geodynamical software tool ASPECT. The role will require extended research visits to collaborators at the Universities of Oxford and Edinburgh.

Please forward this message to any potential candidates. I am more than happy to answer any questions, so candidates can contact me at jeroen.van-hunen@durham.ac.uk.

The application deadline is 18th May 2024, and full details about the project, the application process, and Durham University are available here.

Many thanks,

Jeroen van Hunen