Why can't we add particles to the cell

Hi all,
I tried to calculate a subduction model using the particle method, which is my initial setup

###### Initial compositional fields #####
subsection Compositional fields
** set Number of fields = 12**
** set Names of fields =Mantle, ContinentalUpperCrust, ContinentalLowerCrust,ContinentalMantle, CratonMantle , OceanicCrust,OceanicMantle, sediment, sediment_age , noninitial_plastic_strain, plastic_strain , viscous_strain**
** set Compositional field methods = particles, particles,particles, particles,particles, particles,particles, particles,particles, particles,particles, particles**
** set Mapped particle properties = Mantle:initial Mantle , ContinentalUpperCrust:initial ContinentalUpperCrust , ContinentalLowerCrust:initial ContinentalLowerCrust , ContinentalMantle:initial ContinentalMantle , CratonMantle:initial CratonMantle , OceanicCrust:initial OceanicCrust , OceanicMantle:initial OceanicMantle , sediment:initial sediment , sediment_age:initial sediment_age , noninitial_plastic_strain:initial noninitial_plastic_strain , plastic_strain:initial plastic_strain , viscous_strain:initial viscous_strain**
subsection Initial composition model
** set List of model names = ascii data , fault noise**
** set List of model operators = add**
** subsection Ascii data model**
** set Data directory = /work/home/hanx23/aspect/aspect_precipitation/aspect/workspace/test/**
** set Data file name = Composition.txt**
** end**
** subsection Fault Noise**
** set Standard deviation of Gaussian noise amplitude distribution = 200e3 **
** set Maximum amplitude of Gaussian noise amplitude distribution = 0.5**
** set Random number generator seed = 631**
** set Depth around which Gaussian noise is smoothed out = 40e3 **
** set Halfwidth with which Gaussian noise is smoothed out in depth = 10e3 **
** # The rift polygon specified in cartesian surface coordinates (x and y)**
** set Fault axis line segments = 1350e3**
** # The resolution of the table that holds the noise values**
** # Bilinear interpolation between these values is performed when necessary**
** set Grid intervals for noise X or radius = 2880**
** set Grid intervals for noise Y or longitude = 1280**
** end**

###### Initial temperature model ######
subsection Initial temperature model
** set List of model names = ascii data , adiabatic**
** set List of model operators = add, minimum**
** subsection Ascii data model**
** set Data directory = /work/home/hanx23/aspect/aspect_precipitation/aspect/workspace/test/**
** set Data file name = Temperature.txt**
** end**
** subsection Adiabatic**
** subsection Function**
** set Variable names = t**
** set Function expression = if(t>=4000,1,0);**
** if(t>=4000,1,0);**
** if(t>=4000,1,0);**
** if(t>=4000,1,0);**
** if(t>=4000,1,0);**
** if(t>=4000,1,0);**
** if(t>=4000,1,0);**
** if(t>=4000,1,0);**
** if(t>=4000,1,0);**
** if(t>=4000,1,0);**
** if(t>=4000,1,0);**
** if(t>=4000,1,0)**
** end**
** set Age top boundary layer = 0**
** set Age bottom boundary layer = 0**
** end**
####### Boundary conditions #######

####### Boundary composition model #######
subsection Boundary composition model
** set List of model names = initial composition**
** set Fixed composition boundary indicators = right ,bottom**
** #set Allow fixed composition on outflow boundaries = true**
** subsection Initial composition**

** end**

####### Boundary temperature model #######
subsection Boundary temperature model
** set Fixed temperature boundary indicators = top , bottom , left , right**
** set List of model names = initial temperature**

####### Boundary velocity model ######
####### Right boundary velocity 2 cm/yr Bottom velocity #######
subsection Boundary velocity model
** set Prescribed velocity boundary indicators = right x:function , bottom y:function**
** subsection Function**
** set Variable names = x,y**
** set Function constants = cm=0.01 , yr = 1 , VelContinental = 2 , Ay = 900e3 , HFore = 130e3 , XLong = 2000e3**
** set Function expression =if( y>=(Ay - HFore) , -VelContinentalcm/yr ,*
** if( y<(Ay - HFore) && y>=(Ay - HFore - HFore) , -VelContinental/(HFore)*(y - (Ay - HFore - HFore ) )cm/yr , 0 ) );\ **
** 0
** end**

####### Boundary traction model #######
####### All the left and bottom are open #######
subsection Boundary traction model
** set Prescribed traction boundary indicators = left x : initial lithostatic pressure **
** subsection Initial lithostatic pressure**
** set Number of integration points = 1800**
** set Representative point = 150000, 900000**
** end**

######## Coupling Fastscape ########
subsection Mesh deformation
** set Mesh deformation boundary indicators = top : fastscape**
** set Additional tangential mesh velocity boundary indicators = left, right**

** # Renamed free surface stabilization and moved it into general mesh deformation section.**
** set Surface stabilization theta = 0.5**

** subsection Fastscape**
** set Vertical exaggeration = 1**
** set Maximum timestep = 5000**
** set Number of steps = 10**
** set Surface resolution = 10**
** set Resolution difference = 4**
** set Additional fastscape refinement = 0**
** set Use marine component = true**
** set Use ghost nodes = true**
** set Y extent in 2d = 50e3**
** set Sediment rain = 0,0 # m/yr**
** set Sediment rain intervals = 0**
** set Use velocities = true**
** set Use precipitation model = true**

** subsection Boundary conditions**
** set Bottom = 1**
** set Right = 1**
** set Top = 1**
** set Left = 1**
** end**

** subsection Erosional parameters**
** set Drainage area exponent = 0.4 #m**
** set Slope exponent = 1 #n**
** set Multi-direction slope exponent = -1 #p**

** set Bedrock diffusivity = 5e-3 #kd**
** set Bedrock river incision rate = 1e-5 #kf**
** set Bedrock deposition coefficient = 1 #G**

** set Sediment diffusivity = -1**
** set Sediment river incision rate = -1 **
** set Sediment deposition coefficient = 1 #G**
** end**

** subsection Marine parameters**
** set Sea level = 3000**
** set Sand porosity = 0**
** set Shale porosity = 0**
** set Sand e-folding depth = 0**
** set Shale e-folding depth = 0**

** set Sand-shale ratio = 1**
** set Depth averaging thickness = 1e2**
** set Sand transport coefficient = 200**
** set Shale transport coefficient = 200**
** end**

** end**
** end**

####### Postprocess #######
subsection Postprocess
set List of postprocessors = velocity statistics, basic statistics, temperature statistics, heat flux statistics, visualization, mass flux statistics, composition statistics, topography, Stokes residual, particles
subsection Visualization
set Interpolate output = true
set Write higher order output = true
set List of output variables = viscosity, heat flux map, vertical heat flux, density, strain rate, depth, named additional outputs, maximum horizontal compressive stress, principal stress
set Time between graphical output = 0
set Number of grouped files = 1
set Point-wise stress and strain = true

subsection Particles
** set Number of particles = 1000000**
** set Load balancing strategy = remove and add particles**
** set Time between data output = 0**
** set Minimum particles per cell = 10**
** set Maximum particles per cell = 50**
** set Data output format = vtu**
** set List of particle properties = initial composition, velocity**
** set Particle generator name = random uniform**
** set Update ghost particles = true**

** end**

This is my output file:
output.txt (47.6 KB)

I think that excessive grid deformation is causing the issue. To address this, I reduced the particle generation boundaries to make it smaller than the grid and increased the number of iterations for particle generation, aiming to improve the chances that the particles will fall within the grid.

But the problem remains:
output2.txt (47.5 KB)

I try to ignore this error and let the program continue, I want to see where is the mesh deformation that prevents it from generating particles.

I see that the right boundary grid is getting rid of particles.

I set a velocity boundary condition of 2 cm/year on the right boundary, where the velocity enters the domain. The mesh doesn’t appear to be significantly deformed, so I don’t understand why particles cannot be generated. I would appreciate any help or insight.


Hi @Xiao,

This is interesting, I haven’t seen (or noticed) this behavior before.

Can you rerun one time step of your models with the following settings in subsection Postprocess?

set Interpolate output = false
set Write higher order output = false

I’m wondering if that is leading to the lack of particles at the upper right boundary. With that said, I don’t understand why the issue does not appear farther down in the coarser resolution region. Does this transition point mark a change from inflow to outflow, as defined in the velocity boundary conditions?

Can you also post your geometry model and mesh refinement settings?


Hi John,

Thank you for your suggestion! I’ll rerun the model with the following settings under the Postprocess section:
set Interpolate output = false
set Write higher order output = false

Unfortunately, the issue with particle generation at the upper right boundary persists.

I found that particles are missing at all high-resolution areas along the boundary.

I also noticed that the particle distribution has a striped pattern.

Zooming in, I can see that they are all located either along the edges of the grid or right in the middle.

This is my grid Settings

subsection Boundary traction model
** set Prescribed traction boundary indicators = left x : initial lithostatic pressure **
** subsection Initial lithostatic pressure**
** set Number of integration points = 1800**
** set Representative point = 150000, 900000**
** end**

subsection Mesh refinement
** set Initial adaptive refinement = 4**
** set Initial global refinement = 5**
** set Time steps between mesh refinement = 5**
** set Strategy = minimum refinement function , temperature ,viscosity,composition threshold**
** set Refinement fraction = 0.2**
** set Coarsening fraction = 0.35**
** set Refinement criteria scaling factors = 1, 1.5, 1.5,1**
** set Refinement criteria merge operation = max**
** set Run postprocessors on initial refinement = false **
** subsection Minimum refinement function**
** set Coordinate system = cartesian**
** set Variable names = x,y,t**
** set Function expression = if(y>600.e3,if(y>700.e3,if(x>=1700e3 - 0.019*t &y<=850e3&y>760e3,6,4),2), 0)**
** end**
** subsection Composition threshold**
# Mantle , ContinentalUpperCrust, ContinentalLowerCrust,ContinentalMantle, CratonMantle ,WeekZone, OceanicCrust,OceanicMantle, sediment, sediment_age , noninitial_plastic_strain, plastic_strain , viscous_strain
** set Compositional field thresholds = 10000, 0.25, 0.25 , 0.85 , 10000 ,0.25, 0.85 , 0.25 , 0.25, 0.25 , 0.25 , 0.25 **
** end**


Hi @Xiao,

Thank you for running these additional tests. I confess I’m not entirely sure what is happening.

Question - are the last series of images you posted for the first time step (t=0)? If not, can you post images for that time step?

If the issue persists for all time steps, to continue debugging it would be helpful to create a very simple test cases to begin isolating what settings cause the issue to arise. For example, start with a small 2D box with no fastscape coupling and constant material properties and initial conditions. Begin with a uniform grid and then systematically re-add complexity (mesh refinement, etc) until the issue first appears.


Hi @jbnaliboff ,

Question - are the last series of images you posted for the first time step (t=0)? If not, can you post images for that time step?

I’m sorry I forgot to explain.This is the image of the last step I output, because I want to analyze what causes the program to stop.

I suspect that the issue might be caused by the inverse mapping from the real grid to the unit grid after mesh deformation. This could lead to a situation where newly generated particles that are within the real grid fail to map inside the unit grid. However, I am not certain about this, nor do I know how to resolve the problem. :sob:


@Xiao - As a follow up, would it be possible to post images showing the particles distributions in the initial (or first few time steps) to confirm whether or not the issue persists at all stages of the model evolution?

I confess that I’m conceptually having a hard time understanding why the mesh deformation would affect the particles distributions at a lateral boundary in this capacity. Can you post an image of what the deformed mesh looks like at various points in the model evolution?