Error in particle property_pool

Dear all,
Recently,i want to use particles to trace my compositional elements. I ran this program on two identical servers, both using 40,000,000 particles. The only difference is in the parameter set Cells along circumference, where one used the default value of 12 and the other used 4. The error occurs in the program that used the value of 4. What could be the reason for this error, and how can it be resolved?

@SunnyQbang - I’m not sure as the exact reason this error is appearing, but the first thing that stands out is 40 millions particles is quite a large number when there are only 4 cells along along the circumference of the model.

How many cells are there total in your model and what are the other settings related to particles in your prm file?

Perhaps the issue is arising when there is a very large number of particles in each cell (usually this number is on the order of 10s-100s)?


@SunnyQbang I bet this is happening because you are running out of memory. Can you run the program top (or some other way of monitoring how much memory ASPECT is using) in a separate window and see how much memory is being used in the 11 time steps before? Then compare that with the total amount of memory you have on that machine. My best guess is that in time step 12, you finally cross the limit of using too much memory, and this error is just a symptom.


PS: Would you mind also showing us the remainder of the error message, after the lines numbered as #0, #1, and #2?

sir,I am so sorry for delayed response.
I believe you are correct; it’s possible that when the number of particles within a unit becomes too large, the memory on my server is insufficient, which leads to this kind of error. I am sorry, sir, but my server is currently running my model, so I can’t stop it right now to test the memory comparison between steps 11 and 12 as you suggested. However, there is still one thing I don’t quite understand: as my model continues to run, the number of particles decreases. Could you please explain why this happens?Thank you for your reply!Best wishes!

Hi @SunnyQbang,
Sorry I didnt see this post earlier. This bug strongly reminds me of the issue discussed here: Particles with free surface hang · Issue #5594 · geodynamics/aspect · GitHub, which was indeed a bug in deal.II, which was discussed and fixed in this pull request: Properly deregister a particle if deleted during refinement by gassmoeller · Pull Request #16709 · dealii/dealii · GitHub.

In short: Could you try if your bug is fixed if you use deal.II 9.6 instead of 9.5? I am reasonably sure that should solve the issue.

Hello!sir.I am sorry to reply late.I install deal.ii 9.6 to compile aspect and now the error is finished.but i still cant understand why the particle will decrease largely in a few steps