Hello everyone,
I am writing to seek your expert advice regarding two technical problems encountered in my numerical modeling of continental crust subduction dynamics.
Problem 1: Boundary Anomalies
During the simulation of continental subduction processes, background void zones emerge at both lateral boundaries (within the depth of 150km) when the evolutionary time exceeds 10 Myr. The predefined crust-mantle stratification fails to maintain beyond this threshold. Initial troubleshooting involved adjusting boundary condition parameters and modifying the phase field coupling module in the plugin. Could you advise on some potential causes?
Problem 2: Strain Weakening Implementation Error
Attempting to activate viscous strain weakening via the “set Use viscous strain weakening” command triggers a runtime error. Please confirm:
a) Whether this error relates to version compatibility problems
b) If upgrading to a newer plugin release supporting this feature is recommended
Attached please find:
Model1 input file (
problem1.prm (21.2 KB)
Error log documentation
-- This is ASPECT, the Advanced Solver for Problems in Earth's ConvecTion.
-- . version 2.3.0-pre (fault_analysis, ead281ce5)
-- . using deal.II 9.2.0
-- . with 32 bit indices and vectorization level 1 (128 bits)
-- . using Trilinos 13.2.0
-- . using p4est 2.8.0
-- . running in OPTIMIZED mode
-- . running with 280 MPI processes
Loading shared library </fs2/home/liuzhonglan/wys/20250105/rift/build/libmy_plugin.so>
Loading shared library </fs2/home/liuzhonglan/wys/20250105/grain/build/libmy_plugin.so>
Loading shared library </fs2/home/liuzhonglan/wys/20250105/comp/build/libmy_plugin.so>
Line <373> of file <input string>: No entry with name <Use plastic strain weakening> was declared in the current subsection.
Exception 'dealii::ExcMessage ("Invalid input parameter file.")' on rank 0 on processing:
An error occurred in line <487> of file </fs2/home/liuzhonglan/wy/aspect-model-wy/source/main.cc> in function
void parse_parameters(const string&, dealii::ParameterHandler&)
The violated condition was:
Additional information:
Invalid input parameter file.
yhrun: error: cn5318: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
slurmstepd: error: mpi/pmix_v3: _errhandler: cn5318 [0]: pmixp_client_v2.c:212: Error handler invoked: status = -25, source = [slurm.pmix.5022900.0:0]
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 5022900.0 ON cn5318 CANCELLED AT 2025-02-26T15:53:19 ***
yhrun: Job step aborted: Waiting up to 32 seconds for job step to finish.
yhrun: error: cn5319: tasks 56-111: Killed
yhrun: error: cn5322: tasks 224-279: Killed
yhrun: error: cn5320: tasks 112-167: Killed
yhrun: error: cn5321: tasks 168-223: Killed
yhrun: error: cn5318: tasks 1-55: Killed
###----------------------------------------------------- Strain weakening parameters pass----------------------------------------------
# The parameters below weaken the friction and cohesion by a
# a factor of 4 between plastic strain values of 0.5 and 1.5.
# set Strain weakening mechanism = plastic weakening with plastic strain only
# set Start plasticity strain weakening intervals = 0.5
# set End plasticity strain weakening intervals = 1.5
# set Cohesion strain weakening factors = 0.2
# set Friction strain weakening factors = 0.2
# end
###----------------------------------------------------- Strain weakening parameters now----------------------------------------------
# #set Strain weakening mechanism = plastic weakening with plastic strain only
set Strain weakening mechanism = plastic weakening with plastic strain and viscous weakening with viscous strain
set Use plastic strain weakening = true
set Start plasticity strain weakening intervals = 0.5
set End plasticity strain weakening intervals = 2.0
set Cohesion strain weakening factors = 0.5
set Friction strain weakening factors = 0.3
set Use viscous strain weakening = true
set Start prefactor strain weakening intervals = 0.5
set End prefactor strain weakening intervals = 3.0
# the resulting strain-dependent factor is multiplied to the viscous viscosity (i.e. weakening if it is < 1)
# order: background sediment1 sediment2 upper lower mantle_L
set Prefactor strain weakening factors = 0.2
VTK visualization output at 10 Myr
VTK visualization output at 20 Myr
Your professional insights would be greatly appreciated. I am prepared to provide additional technical details or conduct specific test cases as needed.