Hello Everyone,
Hope you’re doing well!
I am currently working with ASPECT and trying to model a scenario of lithospheric thickening. My goal is to thicken a lithosphere by putting velocity conditions at the boundary of my model. I must say that I am pretty new to ASPECT.
My model consists of a 2D box of 800 km in depth and 2400 km in width. I have 2 compositions: crust and mantle. Crust is top 40km, while the rest of the model is mantle. I also have a thermal anomaly at the bottom boundary to produce plumes. Finally, I am trying to impose an inflow condition at the top 200 km and an equally balanced outflow condition below it. I would Ideally like to start the convergence after the lithosphere has been affected by multiple plumes, but currently, only for debugging, I am starting the convergence from 5 million years.
The problem I face is that the stokes solver never converges. I have tried multiple velocity conditions, but the same problem persists. The velocity conditions, along with the implementations, are:
Inflow of 1 cm/yr at both left and right boundary at the top 200 km and an equal outflow below it.
This model runs for 7.6 million years
Inflow of 1 cm/yr at both left and right boundary at the top 200 km(but with a sin function) and an equal outflow below it.
This model runs for 5.08 million years
Inflow of 1 cm/yr at both left and right boundary at the top 200 km(but with a tanh function) and an equal outflow below it.
This model runs for 5.18 million years
I have also tried removing the crust and keeping only one mantle composition to make it simpler. But that did not solve the issue.
I have attached the output error message of the linear velocity(1) boundary condition and also a picture of the first timestep of the model when the convergence starts, along with the log.txt file.
output.e12043736.txt (6.1 KB)
log.txt (73.7 KB)
Really appreciate any help with this issue.
Hi @arijitchkc,
Welcome and thanks for posting to the forum!
The way I have seen most groups implement this type of boundary conditions on the side walls is to have an intermediate section where there is a linear transition from inflow to outflow.
For example, you could have inflow in the upper 300 km, a linear transition to outflow over the next 200 km (300-500 km depth) and then outflow from 500-800 km depth.
I think this will produce a much smoother flow field than what you currently have (something looks off in the images).
My suggestion would be to try this approach first in a simplified setup with a constant viscosity and no initial thermal perturbations. If the flow field at time 0 looks correct and the solver converges in a stable fashion, then start re-introducing complexity back into the model.
This will be farther down the line in your workflows, but I also suggest having the imposed flow patterns at 5 Myr gradually ramp up over some period of time. I’ve found many instances where instantaneous changes in the boundary velocity produce solver convergence issues.
I hope this helps and let’s keep the discussion going as you test various scenarios.
Here are my notes with regards to the boundary conditions that John describes above.
I hope this will help.
Hello John,
Thanks for your help. I could solve the issue, with the suggestions. Also thanks to @cedrict , those notes are really helpful. I have used those formulas in the models and I have attached a picture below.
I initially tried with no thermal perturbation in the model and gradually introduced complexity. The total duration of the models I am currently running are 500 Mya.
Then I tried varying the onset and duration of convergence, and this works quite well now. I also varied the size of the box models a bit, to make sure everything works for a larger setup.
Here’s an example of the model where I started convergence from 140 Mya and continued till 240 Mya, and they ran without any convergence issue. I have attached the velocity(X direction) and Temperature plot for the starting time step and the one just before it.
@arijitchkc - Thanks for the update and glad the models are working now!