I truly appreciate your assistance and apologize for the delayed response.
At your suggestion, I turned off the ‘set tetmesher optimize sliver’ option and just ran the smoothing step:
cubit.cmd(f"volume 9 21 22 23 24 25 size {DX_FAULT}")
cubit.cmd(f"volume 12 13 size {DX_FAULT2}")
cubit.cmd("volume all scheme tetmesh")
cubit.cmd("mesh volume all")
cubit.cmd(f"volume all smooth scheme condition number beta 1.8 cpu 2")
cubit.cmd("smooth volume all")
But when I checked the.exo file, I found nans in the coordinates. In the gui interface of cubit, I found that most of these nans were in the middle of two close faults. Then I encrypted the number of elements in the upper crust, and the nans situation disappeared.
According to your suggestion, I modified the coordinate declaration in pylithapp.cfg file to:
coordsys = spatialdata.geocoords.CSGeoProj
coordsys.space_dim = 3
coordsys.datum_horiz = WGS84
coordsys.datum_vert = mean sea level
coordsys.projector.projection = utm
coordsys.projector.proj_options = +zone=48 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +north
And in the spatialdb file:
SimpleDB {
num-values = 3
value-names = displacement-rate-x displacement-rate-y rate-start-time
value-units = mm/year mm/year year
num-locs = 154
data-dim = 2
space-dim = 3
cs-data = geo-projected {
to-meters = 1.0
ellipsoid = WGS84
datum-horiz = WGS84
datum-vert = mean sea level
projector = projection {
projection = utm
units = m
proj-options = +zone=48
516150.91204381164 3691155.75424592 0.0 8.167 -0.7557 0.0
516150.91204381164 3691155.75424592 -80000.0 8.167 -0.7557 0.0
As for the Solver part, I left it unchanged and used the following Settings:
split_fields = True
matrix_type = aij
use_custom_constraint_pc = True
snes_view = true
ksp_monitor_true_residual = true
fs_pc_type = fieldsplit
fs_pc_use_amat = True
fs_pc_fieldsplit_type = multiplicative
fs_fieldsplit_displacement_pc_type = ml
fs_fieldsplit_lagrange_multiplier_pc_type = jacobi
fs_fieldsplit_displacement_ksp_type = preonly
fs_fieldsplit_lagrange_multiplier_ksp_type = preonly
The general changes are as described above. Here’s the situation: I ran 28 nodes on the server for roughly 10 hours, but didn’t complete a single time step:
Preparing to advance solution from time t=0*s to t=3.15576e+07*s.
[II] fixing the coarse-level matrix dead dofs
Timestamp Simulation t % complete Est. completion
2025-01-10 19:51:25.413367 0.00*year 0 TBD
I don’t know if this simulation is running properly.