Hi all,
I am using ASPECT 2.1.0, for a 3D model. I am trying to load an initial topography, but I am unable to succeed.
Loading Ascii data boundary file ./MyIniTopo.txt.
Loading new data file did not succeed.
Assuming constant boundary conditions for rest of model run.
In my .prm file, my model definition and topo loading look like this:
subsection Geometry model
set Model name = box
subsection Box
set X extent = 4e5
set Y extent = 2e5
set Z extent = 2.5e5
subsection Initial topography model
set Model name = ascii data
subsection Ascii data model
set Data directory = ./
set Data file name = MyIniTopo.txt
And my topography file MyIniTopo.txt has the right format (after having passed the error), and describes a 501x51 horizontal grid, with a total of 25551 topography points.
POINTS: 501 51 25551
0.0 0.0 2000.000000
800.0 0.0 2000.000000
1600.0 0.0 2000.000000
2400.0 0.0 2000.000000
âMyIniTopo.txtâ 25552L, 754949C
So I think the data (â nxi nyj zij â) ascends first in x, has the right formatâŚ
I think the error may come from the fact that the topography grid is not the same as the model grid (which is decided/constructed later by ASPECT). But, as far as I understood from this forum, the initial topography loading should be done by ASPECT once the finest refinement level has been carried out, at time 0.
What should I do to successfully load my initial topography?