PhD and post-doc positions on induced seismicity

Dear colleagues,

This is to inform you of openings for two PhD positions and one postdoc at Utrecht University and Delft University of Technology (Netherlands) in the framework of the DeepNL Project InFocus “An Integrated Approach to Understanding and Forecasting Induced Fault Slip” [1]. This multi-disciplinary project aims to improve our physical understanding of induced seismicity and explore how ensemble-based data assimilation can improve estimation and forecasting of seismicity.

One PhD position will be at Utrecht University and is related to experimental and numerical modelling of induced earthquakes. The second PhD position will be at TU Delft and is related to data assimilation for earthquake estimation. The post-doc is based at Utrecht University, but will work at both universities to further develop a hydro-thermo-mechanical model for seismicity. For more information, including the descriptions of the positions, requirements for application and conditions of employment, please visit the project website at the following link:

Deadline for applications is March 15th, 2019, but the positions remain open until filled.

We would appreciate it if you could pass this announcement on to anyone who might be interested.

Kind regards,

Ylona van Dinther (UU)
Andre Niemeijer (UU)
Elmer Ruigrok (KNMI-UU)
Femke Vossepoel (TUD)

[1] InFocus is funded by the Netherlands Organisation of Scientific Research to improve our fundamental understanding of subsurface dynamics due to human actions. InFocus is part of the Dutch DeepNL programme, that encompasses eight projects with about thirty positions in the Netherlands: