How to update or reinstall for use newer version

Hi, i’m undergraduate student that use ASPECT version 2.2.0-pre(ver 2.1.0) in my lab server. Last 1 year, have been well used, but there is a need to update newer version.

I want to safely update from ver 2.2.0-pre to ver 2.3.0-pre. So i have to remove old version? or there exist the other ways for update? I don’t use docker and virtual machine, just linux based server.

I hope your help and appreciate if you let me know.


Hi Minseok,

Welcome and thank you for posting the question to the forum!

The short answer is that you do not have to remove the old version of ASPECT and it should be straightforward to install the new version, assuming deal.II 9.2.0 is already installed on the cluster.

Regarding specifics, it would help if can you answer the following questions:

  1. What type of computer is your lab server? i.e., is it a cluster or a Desktop top computer?
  2. How were ASPECT and deal.II previously installed?

You can check what version of deal.II is currently being used by looking at the top of the log.txt produced from an ASPECT run.


Hi John, thank you for answer about my question.

My lab server is cluster that consists of multiple computers connected to one master computer, all component of ASPECT(include deal.II) are installed on master computer.

I had install ASPECT and other components following the Manual that as written section 3.3(Local install), so deal.II version is 9.2.0.

How can i upgrade to newer ASPECT?


Hi Minseok,

The process to update ASPECT is straightforward.

Below, I am assuming you clone the main ASPECT repository, rather than forked the ASPECT repository to your own GitHub account and then clone that version. If that is the case, the git remote origin is the main aspect repo ( and the commands below should work.

  1. cd into the ASPECT folder and do git pull origin master (pull recent changes from GitHub repo.
  2. Inside the build folder (i.e., where you compiled ASPECT) run make distclean.
  3. Recompile ASPECT, starting with the cmake configuration step.

Alternatively, one can just delete the build folder and make a new one after the git pull command.

Let us know if any of the above is unclear or if you run into any trouble.
