Hello all -
I am new to ASPECT and in the process of trying some things out for a future project. I hope I am not asking something that has been addressed elsewhere - I did try to look around.
I am trying to assign a constant temperature to the lower radii boundary (in a 2D Spherical Shell) and a functional temperature on the upper. For example, T_lower = 5000, T_upper = 100 + 100*sin(phi). The documentation is great at explaining how to do these individually, but I did not see how to have two different models simultaneously. I did see that this is done for the boundary velocity in “Convection in a box with prescribed, variable velocity boundary conditions” by…
set Tangential velocity boundary indicators = left, right, bottom
set Prescribed velocity boundary indicators = top: function
However, I get parsing errors when I try to do a similar “outer: function, inner: spherical constant”.
Apologies if this is not an appropriate place to post this question.
Thank you for any suggestions!
Joe Renaud