Dear everyone,
I am sorry if I am back again with the topology error. My previous problem Unable to find final slip is gone but then it is back to the topology error.
I have tried to simulate both step02 and step03 3D subduction. ( json file for both attached below ).
json file.tar.gz (26.4 KB)
I have different geometry (smaller than current geometry) and they worked well. I extended the geometry and starting to have this topology problem again. Previously, I can fix the problem by changing the suitable mesh size (for previous geometry was 5km. Higher than 5km, it didn’t work). I have tried also to remove the fault edge for the slab as suggested in the previous topic Values in UniformDB not specified - #10 by willic3 and changed the mesh size (smaller to coarser size). But it doesn’t work as well. ( I also attached the mesh below).
mesh_tet_alvina.exo.tar.gz - Google Drive
It seems that the problem appears each time it reads the boundary at z negative without the slab. Then the topology error at slab_top shows up. I have checked the boundary condition during the mesh generation but there is no problem with that.
Is there any way to fix this?
Thank you in advance.
Alvina KK