ASPECT talk at the CIG business meeting tomorrow

I realize that I am supposed to give a talk at the CIG Business Meeting tomorrow. The prompt for it is this:

Unlike previous years, we will not be asking for specifics on last year’s accomplishments or future development plans. Instead, as CIG III draws to a close and we look forward to CIG IV (fingers crossed), I am asking from each project a more introspective approach under the general title of “Past and Future Perspectives” reflecting on the sum of accomplishments during CIG and the bigger picture perspective for the future. And of course, all of this in 5 min each! Hence, this is not expansive and, of course, you may put your own spin on the interpretation of the theme.

My plan on this is to explain ASPECT as what I see that it has become: A platform that supports building a community of developers and users, and that has become quite successful at doing things we had not expected it to do in the beginning. I’m specifically thinking about crustal dynamics but also the recent work by Derek and Anne and collaborators on surface processes coupled to the rest.

That is, I plan on 1-2 slides on ASPECT as an educational platform and 1-2 slides on what the extensible design of ASPECT has allowed us to do far beyond just mantle convection. Maybe 1 slide on “community” and career paths enabled by ASPECT.

Do any of you want to share perspectives that I’m missing? (It would have to be by tonight, I’m afraid, to make its way into the presentation…)


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Draft talk is here: CIG business meeting 2021, ASPECT presentation - Google Slides
Comments are welcome, but remember that I have only 5 minutes :slight_smile:

Wolfgang - I really like this approach and the points in the slides cover both aspects (science and community) really well. I’ll miss the meeting tomorrow.