ASPECT Newsletter #91

Hello everyone!

       This is ASPECT newsletter #91.

It automatically reports recently merged features and discussions about the ASPECT mantle convection code.

Below you find a list of recently proposed or merged features:

#3283: remove an unused variable (proposed by tjhei)
#3282: remove constraint consistency check (proposed by tjhei)
#3281: doc: remove incorrect @copydoc link (proposed by tjhei)
#3280: update parameters (proposed by tjhei; merged)
#3279: report world builder in detailed.log (proposed by tjhei; merged)
#3278: Corrected the formula in the push_forward and pull_back modules of the chunk geometry m… (proposed by sibiaoliu)
#3276: [WIP] Use phases for diffusion viscosity (proposed by gassmoeller)
#3275: add tests (proposed by naliboff; merged)
#3274: Reverse order natural coordinates (proposed by anne-glerum; merged)
#3273: [WIP] Use phase functions for EoS in visco_plastic material model (proposed by gassmoeller)
#3272: Add ASPECT publications (proposed by gassmoeller; merged)
#3271: Let phase function handle compositions (proposed by gassmoeller)
#3269: more c++ override (proposed by tjhei; merged)
#3267: Extend parse function to allow multiple values per key (proposed by gassmoeller; merged)
#3266: Correct inflow boundary condition for Volume of fluid method (proposed by class4kayaker; merged)
#3264: Add option to turn off dynamic topography contribution in geoid calculation (proposed by Shangxin-Liu; merged)
#3232: Make particle properties visualization optional (proposed by MFraters; merged)

And this is a list of recently opened or closed discussions:

#3277 ellipsoidal chunk functions: update literature or conform code to current literature. (opened)

A list of all major changes since the last release can be found at this website .

Thanks for being part of the community!

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Additional information can be found at our [official website](, and CIG's [ASPECT website](