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A post was split to a new topic: Trilinos installation with candi and MKL fails


I am in trouble with installation of the Trilinos package for ASPECT. While running the candi.sh script, the terminal becomes unresponsive. My laptop has 15 GB free space and Ubuntu 14.04. Is there any way to solve this problem?

Trilinos needs extraordinarily much memory to compile. How much memory does
your laptop have?


My laptop has 1.8 GiB memory. How much memory does it require?


I don’t recall the exact number, but probably more than that. Are you
compiling with ‘make -j4’ or some other number, i.e., in parallel? If so, drop
down to ‘make -j1’.

If that doesn’t help, you might want to consider downloading a pre-compiled
package of deal.II from the deal.II download page.


Dear Bangerth,

No, I am compiling in a single processor. I’ve installed the hdf5 and p4est but failed in trilinos. Also, I have tried installing trilinos with the older version, still it didn’t work.

Ok, then I’ll go with your suggestion i.e. downloading a pre-compiled one. If I install petsc instead of trilinos, will it help?


Maybe, but we don’t regularly test with PETSc, and I’m not sure whether ASPECT
will actually work in all circumstances with PETSc.


We no longer support PETSc as of right now and it won’t even let you configure it. See https://github.com/geodynamics/aspect/issues/3338 and https://github.com/geodynamics/aspect/pull/3348 for details.

Poulami, if you can not upgrade your computer, I would suggest using the precompiled packages for OSX or Debian/Ubuntu available here: https://www.dealii.org/download.html
That said, 1.8GB is likely problematic even for compiling ASPECT itself.

Hi Timo!
As you have suggested to use the precompiled package, I was trying to install deal.ii from the Downloads. But I am getting the error messages after running the line " cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/dir …/deal.II". I have attached the error messages here.
Any suggestion is highly appreciated!


You did not download a precompiled package as I suggested (for example the Debian/Ubuntu package) but it looks like you are trying to install deal.II from source. This will lead to the same problem you had before (or rather, this way you won’t have Trilinos and ASPECT won’t work). I admit that our distribution instructions are not great (I will try to improve them when I get a chance).

I can provide more information, but it looks like you are running a very old (and no longer supported) version of Ubuntu (you seem to have gcc 4.8.4, so I assume you are running Ubuntu 14.04?). You won’t be able to use ASPECT or deal.II without updating first, sorry.

Ohh I’m Sorry. Earlier I was trying to install the dealii-9.2.0.tar.gz file. But I think what you have suggested to download is this one.
Yes, my current version of Ubuntu is 14.04. I need to update this.

Is it possible to install Docker Container in Ubuntu 14.04?

Docker was only invented in 2013, so I strongly suspect that it isn’t available in Ubuntu 14.04. I think this is only one of at least half a dozen reasons I would really suggest upgrading your system.


I am trying to upgrade to Ubuntu 16.04. But the software updater icon is not working. So I have tried to re-install update-manager using the command “sudo apt-get install --reinstall update-manager”. I am getting the following errors.

How can I upgrade?


this isn’t the right forum. We know how to install/use/develop ASPECT, but we really don’t know anything definitive about how to upgrade Ubuntu. You need to ask that question somewhere else.

As a side note: I don’t know whether Ubuntu 16.04 is even still supported. You might want to just go to 20.04 by way of creating a backup of the machine, and installing from scratch. But I don’t feel like I can suggest that you do that because (i) I don’t know whether 20.04 even runs on your machine, and (ii) there is of course always a risk with completely re-installing a machine. You’ll have to figure this one out yourself, I’m afraid.


Thanks for your suggestion.
