Hi everyone,
i am new with aspect
and i want to install lastest aspect in department cluster.So i follow the steps Installation FAQ · geodynamics/aspect Wiki · GitHub
and i download the candi locally and install it well and upload it to the cluster.I copy the all the downloaded packages to the cluster in …/…/tmp/src
The first question is why dont contain deal.ii.tar.gz in src but in the build it has deal.II-v9.6.2? i dont konw…maybe its a silly question…
so when i upload the whole packages to the cluster, i add the deal.II-v9.6.2.tar.gz in src
Is it correct?please tell me
And the second question is when i run the command ./candi.sh -p /public/home/bin/dealii
it runs well untill cmake trilinos
it cant find the BLAS
Enabling the shell of non-enabled parent packages (mostly for show) that have at least one subpackage enabled …
– Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_ShyLU_Node=ON because Trilinos_ENABLE_ShyLU_NodeTacho=ON
– Setting ShyLU_Node_ENABLE_ShyLU_NodeTacho=ON because Trilinos_ENABLE_ShyLU_NodeTacho=ON
Adjust the set of internal and external packages:
Final set of enabled top-level packages: Gtest Kokkos Teuchos KokkosKernels RTOp Sacado Epetra Zoltan Shards Triutils EpetraExt Tpetra TrilinosSS Thyra Xpetra Isorropia AztecOO Galeri Amesos Pamgen Zoltan2Core Ifpack ML Belos ShyLU_Node Amesos2 SEACAS Anasazi Stratimikos Teko Intrepid Intrepid2 NOX MueLu Tempus ROL 36
Final set of enabled packages: Gtest Kokkos TeuchosCore TeuchosParser TeuchosParameterList TeuchosComm TeuchosNumerics TeuchosRemainder TeuchosKokkosCompat TeuchosKokkosComm Teuchos KokkosKernels RTOp Sacado Epetra Zoltan Shards Triutils EpetraExt TpetraTSQR TpetraCore Tpetra TrilinosSS ThyraCore ThyraEpetraAdapters ThyraEpetraExtAdapters ThyraTpetraAdapters Thyra Xpetra Isorropia AztecOO Galeri Amesos Pamgen Zoltan2Core Ifpack ML Belos ShyLU_NodeTacho ShyLU_Node Amesos2 SEACASExodus SEACASExodus_for SEACASExoIIv2for32 SEACASNemesis SEACASIoss SEACASChaco SEACASAprepro_lib SEACASSupes SEACASSuplib SEACASSuplibC SEACASSuplibCpp SEACASAlgebra SEACASAprepro SEACASConjoin SEACASEjoin SEACASEpu SEACASCpup SEACASExodiff SEACASExomatlab SEACASExotxt SEACASExo_format SEACASEx1ex2v2 SEACASGjoin SEACASGen3D SEACASGenshell SEACASGrepos SEACASExplore SEACASMapvarlib SEACASMapvar SEACASMapvar-kd SEACASNas2exo SEACASZellij SEACASNemslice SEACASNemspread SEACASNumbers SEACASSlice SEACASTxtexo SEACASEx2ex1v2 SEACAS Anasazi Stratimikos Teko Intrepid Intrepid2 NOX MueLu Tempus ROL 89
Final set of non-enabled top-level packages: TrilinosFrameworkTests TrilinosATDMConfigTests MiniTensor Domi Pliris Komplex Ifpack2 FEI TriKota Compadre STK Percept Krino Phalanx Moertel Zoltan2Sphynx Zoltan2 ShyLU_DD ShyLU Rythmos Stokhos Piro Panzer PyTrilinos NewPackage Adelus TrilinosCouplings Pike TrilinosBuildStats TrilinosInstallTests 30
Final set of non-enabled packages: TrilinosFrameworkTests TrilinosATDMConfigTests MiniTensor Domi Pliris ShyLU_NodeHTS ShyLU_NodeBasker ShyLU_NodeFastILU SEACASSVDI SEACASPLT SEACASBlot SEACASExo2mat SEACASExotec2 SEACASFastq SEACASMat2exo Komplex Ifpack2 FEI TriKota Compadre STKUtil STKCoupling STKMath STKSimd STKNGP_TEST STKTopology STKMesh STKIO STKSearch STKMiddle_mesh STKTransfer STKTools STKBalance STKUnit_test_utils STKExprEval STKSearchUtil STKTransferUtil STKUnit_tests STKDoc_tests STKEmend STK Percept Krino Phalanx Moertel Zoltan2Sphynx Zoltan2 ShyLU_DDFROSch ShyLU_DDCore ShyLU_DDCommon ShyLU_DD ShyLU Rythmos Stokhos Piro PanzerCore PanzerDofMgr PanzerDiscFE PanzerAdaptersSTK PanzerMiniEM PanzerExprEval Panzer PyTrilinos NewPackage Adelus TrilinosCouplings PikeBlackBox PikeImplicit Pike TrilinosBuildStats TrilinosInstallTests 71
Final set of enabled top-level external packages/TPLs: MPI BLAS LAPACK Netcdf DLlib 5
Final set of enabled external packages/TPLs: MPI BLAS LAPACK Netcdf DLlib 5
Final set of non-enabled top-level external packages/TPLs: MKL yaml-cpp Peano CUDA CUBLAS CUSOLVER CUSPARSE Thrust Cusp ROCBLAS ROCSPARSE TBB Pthread HWLOC QTHREAD BinUtils ARPREC QD Boost Scotch OVIS gpcd DataWarp METIS MTMETIS ParMETIS PuLP TopoManager LibTopoMap PaToH CppUnit ADOLC ADIC TVMET MF ExodusII Nemesis XDMF Zlib HDF5 CGNS Pnetcdf ADIOS2 Faodel Cereal Catalyst2 y12m SuperLUDist SuperLUMT SuperLU Cholmod UMFPACK MA28 AMD CSparse HYPRE PETSC BLACS SCALAPACK MUMPS STRUMPACK PARDISO_MKL PARDISO Oski TAUCS ForUQTK Dakota HIPS MATLAB CASK SPARSKIT QT gtest BoostLib BoostAlbLib OpenNURBS Portals CrayPortals Gemini InfiniBand BGPDCMF BGQPAMI Pablo HPCToolkit Clp GLPK qpOASES Matio PAPI MATLABLib Eigen X11 Lemon GLM quadmath CAMAL RTlib AmgX VTune TASMANIAN ArrayFireCPU SimMesh SimModel SimParasolid SimAcis SimField Valgrind QUO ViennaCL Avatar mlpack pebbl MAGMASparse Check SARMA CDT mpi_advance 117
Final set of non-enabled external packages/TPLs: MKL yaml-cpp Peano CUDA CUBLAS CUSOLVER CUSPARSE Thrust Cusp ROCBLAS ROCSPARSE TBB Pthread HWLOC QTHREAD BinUtils ARPREC QD Boost Scotch OVIS gpcd DataWarp METIS MTMETIS ParMETIS PuLP TopoManager LibTopoMap PaToH CppUnit ADOLC ADIC TVMET MF ExodusII Nemesis XDMF Zlib HDF5 CGNS Pnetcdf ADIOS2 Faodel Cereal Catalyst2 y12m SuperLUDist SuperLUMT SuperLU Cholmod UMFPACK MA28 AMD CSparse HYPRE PETSC BLACS SCALAPACK MUMPS STRUMPACK PARDISO_MKL PARDISO Oski TAUCS ForUQTK Dakota HIPS MATLAB CASK SPARSKIT QT gtest BoostLib BoostAlbLib OpenNURBS Portals CrayPortals Gemini InfiniBand BGPDCMF BGQPAMI Pablo HPCToolkit Clp GLPK qpOASES Matio PAPI MATLABLib Eigen X11 Lemon GLM quadmath CAMAL RTlib AmgX VTune TASMANIAN ArrayFireCPU SimMesh SimModel SimParasolid SimAcis SimField Valgrind QUO ViennaCL Avatar mlpack pebbl MAGMASparse Check SARMA CDT mpi_advance 117
Setting up export dependencies for all enabled packages …
Probing the environment …
– Leaving current CMAKE_C_COMPILER=mpicc since it is already set!
– Leaving current CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=mpicxx since it is already set!
– Leaving current CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=mpif90 since it is already set!
– MPI_EXEC=‘/public/software/mpi/openmpi/gnu/4.1.4/bin/mpiexec’
– The C compiler identification is GNU 14.1.0
– Detecting C compiler ABI info
– Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
– Check for working C compiler: /public/software/mpi/openmpi/gnu/4.1.4/bin/mpicc - skipped
– Detecting C compile features
– Detecting C compile features - done
– The CXX compiler identification is GNU 14.1.0
– Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
– Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
– Check for working CXX compiler: /public/software/mpi/openmpi/gnu/4.1.4/bin/mpicxx - skipped
– Detecting CXX compile features
– Detecting CXX compile features - done
– The Fortran compiler identification is GNU 14.1.0
– Detecting Fortran compiler ABI info
– Detecting Fortran compiler ABI info - done
– Check for working Fortran compiler: /public/software/mpi/openmpi/gnu/4.1.4/bin/mpif90 - skipped
– Skip adding flags for OpenMP because Kokkos flags does that …
– Setting default for CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH pointing to Trilinos_INSTALL_LIB_DIR
– CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH=‘/public/home/jshhuang03/bin/dealii/trilinos-release-14-4-0/lib’
– Looking for C++ include sys/time.h
– Looking for C++ include sys/time.h - found
– Looking for C++ include time.h
– Looking for C++ include time.h - found
– Looking for C++ include stdint.h
– Looking for C++ include stdint.h - found
– Looking for C++ include inttypes.h
– Looking for C++ include inttypes.h - found
– Found Perl: /usr/bin/perl (found version “5.16.3”)
– Fortran name mangling: LOWER UNDER
– Detecting Fortran/C Interface
– Detecting Fortran/C Interface - Found GLOBAL and MODULE mangling
– Verifying Fortran/CXX Compiler Compatibility
– Verifying Fortran/CXX Compiler Compatibility - Success
– Performing Test MATH_LIBRARY_IS_SUPPLIED - Success
– Performing Test FINITE_VALUE_HAVE_GLOBAL_ISNAN - Success
– Performing Test FINITE_VALUE_HAVE_STD_ISNAN - Failed
– Performing Test FINITE_VALUE_HAVE_GLOBAL_ISINF - Success
– Performing Test FINITE_VALUE_HAVE_STD_ISINF - Failed
– Found Doxygen: /usr/bin/doxygen (found version “1.8.5”) found components: doxygen dot
Getting information for all enabled external packages/TPLs …
Processing enabled external package/TPL: MPI (enabled explicitly, disable with -DTPL_ENABLE_MPI=OFF)
Processing enabled external package/TPL: BLAS (enabled by MueLu, disable with -DTPL_ENABLE_BLAS=OFF)
– BLAS_LIBRARY_NAMES=‘blas blas_win32’
– Searching for libs in BLAS_LIBRARY_DIRS=‘/public/home/jshhuang03/lib’
– Searching for a lib in the set “blas blas_win32”:
– Searching for lib ‘blas’ …
– Searching for lib ‘blas_win32’ …
– NOTE: Did not find a lib in the lib set “blas blas_win32” for the TPL ‘BLAS’!
– ERROR: Could not find the libraries for the TPL ‘BLAS’!
– TIP: If the TPL ‘BLAS’ is on your system then you can set:
to point to the directories where these libraries may be found.
Or, just set:
to point to the full paths for the libraries which will
bypass any search for libraries and these libraries will be used without
question in the build. (But this will result in a build-time error
if not all of the necessary symbols are found.)
– ERROR: Failed finding all of the parts of TPL ‘BLAS’ (see above), Aborting!
– NOTE: The find module file for this failed TPL ‘BLAS’ is:
which is pointed to in the file:
TIP: One way to get past the configure failure for the
TPL ‘BLAS’ is to simply disable it with:
which will disable it and will recursively disable all of the
downstream packages that have required dependencies on it, including
the package ‘MueLu’ which triggered its enable.
When you reconfigure, just grep the cmake stdout for ‘BLAS’
and then follow the disables that occur as a result to see what impact
this TPL disable has on the configuration of Trilinos.
CMake Error at cmake/tribits/core/package_arch/TribitsProcessEnabledTpls.cmake:278 (message):
Call Stack (most recent call first):
cmake/tribits/core/package_arch/TribitsProcessEnabledTpls.cmake:171 (tribits_address_failed_tpl_find)
cmake/tribits/core/package_arch/TribitsProcessEnabledTpls.cmake:105 (tribits_process_enabled_standard_tpl)
cmake/tribits/core/package_arch/TribitsProjectImpl.cmake:197 (tribits_process_enabled_tpls)
cmake/tribits/core/package_arch/TribitsProject.cmake:92 (tribits_project_impl)
CMakeLists.txt:101 (TRIBITS_PROJECT)
– Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
Failure with exit status: 1
Exit message: There was a problem configuring trilinos 14-4-0.
But in the cluster i have already module load the apps/BLAS/3.10.0
and i also compile a new BLAS
in their path both contain
so i modify the trilinos.package
make the path the same as the BLAS which i compile newly
but it still doesnt work
and i see it search for blas blas_win32
so i run the command ln -s librefblas.a blas or ln -s librefblas.a blas.a
doesnt work yet
so i follow the Installing Aspect: Error Could NOT find GMP (missing: GMP_LIBRARIES GMP_INCLUDE_DIRS) - #6 by jbnaliboff
add the openblas
but i doesnt work
so i have no idea to deal with this question
Anything help will be appreciated!