White paper draft on modeling earthquake source processes (MESP)

Dear CIG Community,

Based on the NSF-funded workshop on “Modeling earthquake source processes: from tectonics to dynamic rupture” which took place on Oct. 8-10, 2018, a draft of the report has been produced and posted at:


The goal of the white paper report is to discuss the needed future progress in the field and provide input to the CORES study (http://nas-sites.org/dels/studies/cores/) of the National Academies.

If you have any feedback to the white paper, please send it by March 25 to mesp.workshop@gps.caltech.edu . After that date, the writing group will consider the comments and finalize the report by early April; the draft will also undergo further formatting for style.

Best wishes,


(on behalf of the writing group)

Yuri Fialko phone (858) 822-5028
SIO/IGPP 225 fax (858) 534-5332
UC San Diego email yfialko@ucsd.edu
La Jolla, CA 92093 www http://igppweb.ucsd.edu/~fialko