CIG 2022 May Newsletter

May 2022. Volume 11 Issue 2


Research Highlight

The Modeling Collaboratory for Subduction of the SZ4D initiative

The Modeling Collaboratory for Subduction (MCS) is one component of the Subduction Zones in Four Dimensions (SZ4D) initiative, which aims to advance understanding of subduction zone hazards through new instrument deployments, geophysical measurements, geologic field studies, experiments, and cross-cutting modeling. The MCS was tasked with parsing the ambitious plans for a new kind of data-integrative, physics-based modeling approach for process-level hypothesis testing as envisioned in the original 2017 SZ4D report. Through a series of workshops and town hall events, the community has identified priority areas for model and open-source community code development and complementary activities that are needed to answer the motivating science questions (see the MCS workshop reports, Figure 1). Also highlighted was the need for model verification and validation through community benchmark exercises as well as training through hackathons and tutorials. MCS will be developing the next generation of models and software using modern computational infrastructure advancing both computational and solid Earth geoscience while complementing, guiding, and interpreting SZ4D instrumental efforts. The MCS is envisioned … [continued]

contributed by
Eric Dunham, Stanford University ; Leif Karlstrom, University of Oregon ; Alice Gabriel, LMU Munich and University of California , San Diego ; Thorsten Becker, University of Texas, Austin

Updates from HQ

Dear Community,

Workshop season is in full swing. Reconnecting with many of you at in person meetings has been a refreshing change to engaging via screens for the last two years. Two covid tests later, I am relieved that COVID protocols and recommended precautions have mostly been effective. With the revival of in-person events (in addition to hybrid and virtual events), CIG will continue to err on the side of caution as well as follow UC Davis COVID guidance for in-person events. Our community is international with a wide range of personal and professional responsibilities. We are fortunate that the spirit of community continues to be strong as we work to keep all of those around us safe.
We continue to plan and pursue community initiatives. I am excited to see the new Seismic Cycles Working Group launch and off to a fast start towards forming around community software. Do not miss the upcoming webinar series as we build towards a virtual fall workshop focusing on launching an open source software initiative for this community. I am looking forward to learning from leading researchers in the community on the physics of seismic cycles that challenges our computational models.
Enjoy your summer of research and travel. I look forward to seeing many of you soon.

Lorraine Hwang, Director


Seismic Cycles Webinar Series

The Seismic Cycles Working Group presents this weekly seminar series in preparation for a virtual symposium this fall on seismic cycles modeling. Each week 2 speakers will explore a different theme: 1) Physics-based foreshock and aftershock modeling: what can explain the observed rate of aftershocks and the possible origins of the Gutenberg-Richter frequency-size distribution. 2) The arrest and initiation of ruptures: what determines the size of an earthquake, the control of geometric, material, and dynamic heterogeneities on the frequency-size distribution and rupture style. 3) Modeling of slow slip and tremors: how to reconcile the time scales of slow-slip events and individual tremors and how to simulate the source mechanisms of tremors and low-frequency earthquakes. 4) Physics-based friction laws: what fault-zone physical processes must be incorporated, what are the important physical feedback mechanisms that operate across the seismic cycle, and what explains the evolution of effective friction parameters with temperature and water content. And finally, 5) Impact of fluids on the seismic cycle: what are the relevant chemical and physical processes connecting fluid injection (e.g., hydraulic fracturing) with induced seismicity, what is the role of poroelasticity.
Webinars begin Friday May 6 at 9A PDT. [more info]

Website Navigation Tips - Events

Looking for more information about a CIG event? For upcoming events, select the event’s more info link from the home page. Information on all events - meetings, workshops, hackathon, and webinars can be accessed by selecting Calendar on the main toolbar. By default, the list includes upcoming events in All Categories. Use the right or left arrows to navigate to different years. For past events, select the Show Past Events link. Once you have selected your event, read all tabs to access all information about the event including the agenda, logistics, and more. Registration for all events is either through the eventbrite or zoom link displayed on the events Overview tab. [calendar]

Job Opportunities

We are hiring! CIG HQ is looking for a Community Manager to lead community engagement, education, and diversity initiatives for our community and a Research Software Engineer to lead development of modern workflows and repositories for reproducible high-performance computational models in geodynamics.


Call for Focused Working Groups

CIG seeks to encourage new ideas from the community by forming Focused Working Groups (FWG). FWG’s should address a specific topic and have a clearly defined scope e.g. workshop, white paper, benchmark, etc. A FWG should define concrete outcome(s) achievable within a short time frame, < 2 years. Anyone can propose one! We look forward to your ideas in continuing the CIG community’s dynamic leadership in the Earth sciences. [email]



CIG Monthly Webinars - second Thursday of the month at 2P PT.
  May 12   Robert Walker, University at Buffalo [register]

Seismic Cycle Webinars - weekly on Fridays at 9A PT.
    May 6   So Ozawa, University of Tokyo
                 Shiying Nie, University of Southern California
    May 13 Sohom Ray, IIT Roorkee
                  Pablo Ampuero, University of Géoazur
    May 20  Hiroyuki Noda, Kyoto University
                  Dmitry Garagash, Dalhousie University
    June 3   Duo Li, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
                  Bunishiro Shibazaki, Building Research Institute
                  Takanori Matsuzawa, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster

    June 10  Pierre Dublanchet, MINES ParisTech

Registration is required . Please see our website for webinar information and all registration links.


    May 15-24       ASPECT Hackathon
    June 20-24      Crustal Deformation Modeling Workshop
    Aug 28 - Sep 2 Ada Lovelace Workshop
    September      Seismic Cycles Workshop
    September      Rayleigh Hackathon
    October 26-27 SPECFEM Workshop

Registration for Workshops will be announced as they become available.

Remember to join our forum to receive announcements for these and other 2022 events.