USGS Subduction Zone Science Workshop

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Subduction Zone Science working group is hosting an in-person subduction zone science workshop at the University of Washington from January 10-11, 2023. Workshop themes align with three USGS subduction zone science priorities: 1) new observations and models of subduction zone processes, 2) the quantification of natural hazards and risk, and 3) forecasting and situational awareness of subduction zone hazards. Sessions will include a mix of invited keynotes, as well as contributed short-format talks and poster presentations. Contributions to any of the workshop themes are strongly encouraged, including recent research, new datasets, and work in progress. The meeting agenda also includes breakouts and discussions focusing on identifying current critical needs and research priorities from the community, and plans for a cross-discipline community of practice.

Please check our website for a tentative schedule and stay tuned for future emails regarding registration and abstract submissions.

We hope to see you there!

The USGS Subduction Zone Science Working Group

Richard Briggs, Uri ten Brink, Joan Gomberg, Alex Grant, Matt Haney, Kirstie Haynie*, Jenna Hill, Emily Johnson, Jeffrey McGuire, Nathaniel Miller, Erin Wirth, Stephanie Ross, Janet Watt, and Aaron Wech

*Reach out to Kirstie Haynie ( with questions/comments