Two Postdoc Geodynamic-Geochemical Modeling Positions for up to 6 years at GFZ Potsdam

Dear Colleagues,

The ERC Synergy Grant Project MEET (Monitoring of Early Evolution through Time) teem based at Section of Geodynamic Modeling at GFZ Potsdam is opening two modeling postdoc positions for 3 years with possible extension to the end of the project in mid 2026.

An ERC (European Research Council) Synergy Grant is the top prestigious research grant in Europe. Grant winner of 2019 Project MEET combines innovative geochemical and petrological studies of evolution of chemical composition of Earth’s crust and mantle from 4.4 billion years ago to present and physics-based geodynamic modeling of Earth’s deep and surface processes.

Postdoc Position 1. Modeling of Early Earth Dynamics.
Details and application at: link

Postdoc Position 2. Modeling of Interplay of Deep and Surface processes in Plate Tectonics.
Details and application at: link

In addition to the advanced geodynamic modeling we will establish cutting-edge routines linking physical processes to geochemical parameters, in cooperation with the geochemical groups of MEET Project in Grenoble (France) and in Madison (USA).

We particularly welcome applications of modelers having substantial experience working with ASPECT, StagYY and UNDERWORLD codes.

Best regards,

Stephan V. Sobolev
Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam
German Research Centre for Geosciences- GFZ
Section 2.5 Geodynamic Modeling
Professor for Geodynamics, Institute of Geosciences
University of Potsdam