The horizontal viscosity distribution is not uniform

Hi all,

I’m trying to study the influence of plume-lithosphere interaction on rift formation. But when I add the mantle plume as a thermal anomaly( ΔT=150°C) in the model, the viscosity distribution of the initial model will be uneven in the horizontal direction.
Model without mantle plume

Model with mantle plume

I guess there is something wrong with the setting of mantle plume, but I don’t know what the specific problem is. Here is my prm file.

####  Global parameters
set Dimension                              = 2
set Start time                             = 0
set End time                               = 20e6
set Use years in output instead of seconds = true
set Nonlinear solver scheme                = single Advection, iterated Stokes
set Nonlinear solver tolerance             = 1e-4
set Max nonlinear iterations               = 10 # Normally set to 50 or 100
set CFL number                             = 0.5
set Maximum time step                      = 50e3 # Normally set to 20 Kyr
set Use conduction timestep                = true
set Output directory                       = test_convection_wz50
set Timing output frequency                = 1
set Pressure normalization                 = no

#subsection Termination criteria
#  set Termination criteria                 = end step
#  set End step                             = 100

#subsection Formulation
#  set Formulation = Boussinesq approximation

# Model geometry (20 x 20km)
subsection Geometry model
  set Model name = box
  subsection Box
    set X extent 		= 800e3
    set Y extent 		= 400e3
    set X repetitions 		= 8
    set Y repetitions 		= 4

# Mesh (2.5 x 2.5km)
subsection Mesh refinement
  set Initial global refinement          = 3
  set Initial adaptive refinement        = 0
  set Time steps between mesh refinement = 0
#  set Strategy = viscosity  
#  set Strategy = minimum refinement function
#  subsection Minimum refinement function
#    set Coordinate system   = cartesian
#    set Variable names      = x,y
#    set Function expression = if ( x>=700.e3 && x<=900.e3, 4, 3)
#  end
  set Run postprocessors on initial refinement = false

# Quadratic elements for compostion, temperature, and Stokes velocity
subsection Discretization
  set Composition polynomial degree      = 2
  set Stokes velocity polynomial degree  = 2
  set Temperature polynomial degree      = 2

# Solver parameters
subsection Solver parameters
  subsection Stokes solver parameters
    set Stokes solver type 		    = block AMG
    set Linear solver tolerance		    = 1e-5
    set Number of cheap Stokes solver steps = 0
#  subsection Newton solver parameters
#    set Max Newton line search iterations        = 5
#    set Max pre-Newton nonlinear iterations      = 10
#    set Maximum linear Stokes solver tolerance   = 1e-1
#    set Nonlinear Newton solver switch tolerance = 1e-4
#    set SPD safety factor                        = 0.9
#    set Stabilization preconditioner             = SPD
#    set Stabilization velocity block             = SPD
#    set Use Newton failsafe                      = false
#    set Use Newton residual scaling method       = false
#    set Use Eisenstat Walker method for Picard iterations = true
#  end

# A normal free surface advection may become unstable when significant topography develops
subsection Mesh deformation
  set Mesh deformation boundary indicators = top: free surface
  subsection Free surface
    set Surface velocity projection = normal

####### boundary condition #######
subsection Boundary velocity model
  set Tangential velocity boundary indicators = left, right, bottom

# Number and names of compositional fields
subsection Compositional fields
  set Number of fields = 6
  set Names of fields  = Upper_crust, Lower_crust, Lithosphere_mantle, Mantle, Weak_zone, Mantle_plume


# Spatial domain of different compositional fields
subsection Initial composition model
  set Model name = function
  subsection Function
    set Variable names      = x,y
    set Function expression =  \
                              if(y>=380.e3, 1, 0); \
                              if(y<380.e3 && y>=360.e3, 1, 0); \
			      if((y<360.e3 && y>=280.e3 && x>=0 && x<375.e3) || (y<360.e3 && y>=280.e3 && x>425.e3 && x<=800.e3) , 1, 0); \
			      if(y<280.e3 && y>=0 && sqrt((x-400.e3)^2 + y^2)>50.e3, 1, 0); \
                              if(x>=375.e3 && x<=425.e3 && y>=280.e3 && y<360.e3, 1, 0); \
                              if( sqrt((x-400.e3)^2 + y^2)<=50.e3 && y>=0, 1, 0)

# Composition: fixed on bottom, free on sides and top
subsection Boundary composition model
  set Fixed composition boundary indicators = bottom
  set List of model names 		    = initial composition

# Temperature boundary conditions
subsection Boundary temperature model
  set Fixed temperature boundary indicators = bottom, top
  set Model name 			    = box
  subsection Box
    set Bottom temperature = 1720
    set Left temperature   = 0
    set Right temperature  = 0
    set Top temperature    = 273

# Initial temperature field
#   Surface Temperature  - upper crust (ts1) = 273 K
#   Surface Heat Flow    - upper crust (qs1) = 0.055 W/m^2
#   Heat Production      - upper crust (A1)  = 1.00e-6 W/m^3;
#   Heat Production      - lower crust (A2)  = 0.25e-6 W/m^3;
#   Heat Production      - mantle_Lith (A3)  = 0.00e-6 W/m^3;
#   Thermal Conductivity - crust = 2.5 ; lith_m =3.0 (W/(m K));
# To satisfy these constraints, the following values are required:
#   Surface Temperature  - Lower crust        (ts2) = 633 K
#                        - Mantle_Lithosphere (ts3) = 893 K
#                        - mantle             (ts4) = 1593K
#   Surface Heat Flow    - Lower crust        (qs2) = 0.035  W/m^2;
#                        - Mantle_Lithosphere (qs3) = 0.02625 W/m^2;

subsection Initial temperature model
set List of model names = function
  subsection Function
    set Variable names = x,y
    set Function constants = h=400.e3,ts1=273,ts2=633,ts3=893,Tp=1300,Cp=1250,a=3.0e-5,g=9.81, \
                             A1=1.00e-6,A2=0.25e-6,A3=0.0, \
                             k1=2.5,k2=2.5,k3=3.0, \
    set Function expression = if( (h-y)<=20.e3, \
                              ts1 + (qs1/k1)*(h-y) - (A1*(h-y)*(h-y))/(2.0*k1), \
                                  if( (h-y)>20.e3 && (h-y)<=40.e3, \
                                  ts2 + (qs2/k2)*(h-y-20.e3) - (A2*(h-y-20.e3)*(h-y-20.e3))/(2.0*k2), \
                                      if( (h-y)>40.e3 && (h-y)<=120.e3, \
                                      ts3 + (qs3/k3)*(h-y-40.e3) - (A3*(h-y-40.e3)*(h-y-40.e3))/(2.0*k3) ,\
                                      273+Tp*exp(a*g*(h-y)/Cp)+ if( sqrt((x-400.e3)^2 + y^2) <= 50.e3 && y>=0, 150, 0) ) ) ) ;

# Constant internal heat production values (W/m^3) for background material
# and compositional fields.
subsection Heating model
  set List of model names = compositional heating
  subsection Compositional heating
    set Compositional heating values = 0.0, 1.0e-6, 0.25e-6, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

# Material model    
subsection Material model
  set Model name         = visco plastic

  subsection Visco Plastic

    # Reference temperature
    set Reference temperature = 273
    set Minimum strain rate  = 1.e-20
    set Reference strain rate = 1.e-16

    # Limit the viscosity with minimum and maximum values
    set Minimum viscosity = 1e18
    set Maximum viscosity = 1e26

    set Define thermal conductivities = true
#                                              Upper_c   Lower_c   Lith_m    Mantle    Weak_z  Mantle_p    
    set Thermal conductivities        =    3.3,    2.5,      2.5,     3.0,      3.3,      3.0,    3.3
    set Heat capacities               =   1250,    750,      750,    1250,     1250,     1250,   1250

#								                                Δp=150
    set Densities                     =   3300,   2800,     2900,    3300,     3300,     3300,   3150
    set Thermal expansivities         = 3.0e-5, 2.5e-5,   2.5e-5,  3.0e-5,   3.0e-5,   3.0e-5, 3.0e-5 

    # Harmonic viscosity averaging
    set Viscosity averaging scheme = harmonic
    set Viscous flow law = composite

#    Dislocation creep parameters for 			        Upper_c   Lower_c   Lith_m    Mantle    Weak_z  Mantle_p
    set Prefactors for dislocation creep          = 1.10e-16, 1.00e-15, 2.06e-23, 1.10e-16, 1.10e-16, 1.10e-16, 1.10e-16
    set Stress exponents for dislocation creep    =      3.5,      2.0,      3.2,      3.5,      3.5,      3.5,      3.5
    set Activation energies for dislocation creep =   530.e3,   167.e3,   238.e3,   530.e3,   530.e3,   530.e3,   530.e3
    set Activation volumes for dislocation creep  =   20.e-6,       0.,       0.,   17.e-6,   20.e-6,   20.e-6,   20.e-6

    set Prefactors for diffusion creep            = 2.46e-16, 1.00e-15, 2.06e-23, 2.46e-16, 2.46e-16, 2.46e-16, 2.46e-16
    set Stress exponents for diffusion creep      =      1.0,      2.0,      3.2,      1.0,      1.0,      1.0,      1.0
    set Activation energies for diffusion creep   =   375.e3,   167.e3,   238.e3,   375.e3,   375.e3,   375.e3,   375.e3
    set Activation volumes for diffusion creep    =   10.e-6,       0.,       0.,   10.e-6,   10.e-6,   10.e-6,   10.e-6

    set Grain size                                =     1e-3
    set Grain size exponents for diffusion creep  =      3.0,      1.0,      1.0,      1.0,      3.0,      1.0,      3.0
    set Angles of internal friction 		  =      20.,      20.,      20.,      20.,      20.,       3.,       20.
    set Cohesions 				  =    20.e6,    20.e6,    20.e6,    20.e6,    20.e6,     2.e6,     20.e6


# Gravity model
subsection Gravity model
  set Model name = vertical

  subsection Vertical
    set Magnitude = 9.81

# Post processing
subsection Postprocess
set List of postprocessors = basic statistics, composition statistics, heat flux densities, heat flux statistics, mass flux statistics, matrix statistics, pressure statistics, temperature statistics, topography, velocity statistics, visualization
  subsection Visualization
    set List of output variables      = density, heat flux map, named additional outputs, strain rate, viscosity, principal stress, stress
    set Time between graphical output = 100.e3
    set Interpolate output            = false
    set Output format                 = vtu
  subsection Topography
    set Output to file		      = true

Hi Yingjie,
I think the viscosity profile of your model with a plume looks fine. Since you have dislocation creep in your models, the viscosity depends on the strain rate. And with your model with a plume, you will create significant convection and strain rate, so viscosity will vary with location, as is the case in the model with the plume.
Best wishes,

Hi Jeroen,
Thank you for your answer. I know what you mean, but I’m still a little confused. In my understanding, it takes a long time for thermal anomalies at the bottom of the upper mantle to generate convection and reach the bottom of the lithosphere. Therefore, the viscosity of the lithosphere in the initial stage should be basically consistent with Model without mantle plume.
Actually, my models are based on this paper.

Hi Yingjie,
Yes, you might be right. Perhaps a way to find out is to plot strain rates and velocity arrows in both your models and check if they are significantly different between the models.
Best wishes,

Hi Jeroen,
As you said, the strain rate and velocity of the two models are indeed different in the initial stage. But that’s not what I want, and I am curious how can I achieve the result in that paper.
