For all involved in seismic operations, e.g. global, national, regional, and local monitoring, improved seismic operational tools and products, and instrumentation, please consider submitting an abstract to the 2024 SSA Annual Meeting Session Network Seismology: Recent Developments, Challenges, and Lessons Learned (full session description appended below). The abstract submission deadline for SSA’s 2024 annual meeting is January 10th (
Network Seismology: Recent Developments, Challenges and Lessons Learned
Seismic monitoring is not only an essential component of earthquake response but also forms the backbone of a substantial amount of research into seismic hazards, the earthquake process and seismotectonics. To ensure networks best serve the public, media, government and academic communities, it is important to continue to develop monitoring networks’ abilities to accurately and rapidly catalog earthquakes. Due to the operational environment of seismic monitoring, seismic networks encounter many unique challenges not seen by the research community. In this session, we highlight the unique observations and challenges of monitoring agencies and look to developments that may improve networks’ ability to fulfill their missions. Seismic operation centers play a crucial role in collecting seismic data, and generating earthquake products including catalogs, warnings and maps of ground shaking. The purpose of the session is to foster collaboration between network operators, inform the wider seismological community of the interesting and challenging problems within network seismology and look to the future on how to improve monitoring capabilities. This session is not only an opportunity for monitoring agencies to highlight new developments in their capabilities, but we also encourage submissions describing new instrumentation, methods and techniques that would benefit network operations for detecting, locating and characterizing earthquakes, particularly in a near real-time environment.