Dear Colleagues,
Compressible convection substantially differs from the Boussinesq case for two main reasons: the thermal and kinetic energies are comparable in the compressible case, thus the work of the buoyancy force and the viscous heating contribute significantly to the total heat flux, and convection tends to be most vigorous in the region where the density is lowest. This makes description and understanding of compressible convection more challenging, yet the effect of compressibility in turbulent convection is of great importance from the astrophysical and geophysical points of view. The interiors of giant planets and stars are typically strongly stratified and convecting, and so are the planetary atmospheres. This Special Issue of Fluids collects reviews and original research articles on recent developments in the mathematical and numerical modeling of compressible convection. Specific topics may include convection in stellar and planetary atmospheres, convection in stellar and planetary interiors, convectively driven hydromagnetic dynamo, anelastic convection, compositional compressible convection, heat transfer, and fundamental research of compressible convection.
Dr. Krzysztof Mizerski
Guest Editor