ASPECT Newsletter #76

Hello everyone!

       This is ASPECT newsletter #76.

It automatically reports recently merged features and discussions about the ASPECT mantle convection code.

Below you find a list of recently proposed or merged features:

#2863: Update Buiter et al. 2008 benchmarks (proposed by naliboff; merged)

#2862: benchmarks: various fixes (proposed by tjhei; merged)

#2860: doc: fix two small errors (proposed by tjhei; merged)

#2858: [WIP] Improve entropy viscosity at conduction dominated boundaries (proposed by gassmoeller)

#2857: Add entropy viscosity statistics postprocessor (proposed by gassmoeller; merged)

#2856: Fix typo (proposed by anne-glerum; merged)

#2855: Multi VoF field correction (proposed by class4kayaker)

#2854: depletion strengthening in melt_global material model (proposed by jvanhunen; merged)

#2852: depletion strengthening in melt_global material model (proposed by jvanhunen)

#2851: Add option for higher order output (proposed by gassmoeller; merged)

#2850: print more MPI and deal.II info (proposed by tjhei; merged)

#2849: VoF: add test for graphical output (proposed by tjhei; merged)

#2846: remove uncaught exceptions handling (proposed by tjhei; merged)

#2841: Enable output interpolation by default (proposed by gassmoeller; merged)

And this is a list of recently opened or closed discussions:

#2861 missing file or readme in benchmarks/nonlinear_channel_flow (opened)

#2859 The morency_doin.prm couldn’t be execute (opened)

#2853 particle_interpolator_nearest_neighbor test throws error (opened)

#2601 Eventually implement higher order output for paraview (closed)

A list of all major changes since the last release can be found at this website .

Thanks for being part of the community!

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Additional information can be found at our [official website](, and CIG's [ASPECT website](