Hi all,
This is a reminder that we plan to hold our first virtual ASPECT user meeting on Jan 21st to 23rd (see here to recall our discussion: Virtual ASPECT user meeting?). The schedule is available here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iSfDjUjzl0uL2utkKr2lmID1F61L8wBo1sPOgX1arGM/edit?usp=sharing.
We will have talks about new features, sessions for building model setups, and plenty of time for discussions about ASPECT’s features / code / community / future.
No registration is required, but anyone who is interested to present their work with ASPECT in a mini-talk (15 min, AGU style) please put in your name and topic under “Short presentations” in the bottom right of the program spreadsheet. It is absolutely acceptable to drop-in/out as necessary during the meeting.
We will be using the Zoom conference software for the meeting (https://zoom.us/download), and the steps to join the meeting will be announced early next week together with another reminder. Both video and audio participation (and also participation via phone) will be supported, but obviously you need a screen to benefit most from the presentations.
In order for the meeting to be productive please think about topics or questions you are most interested in and bring them up during the meeting or enter them into the program spreadsheet. This is meant to be an interactive event.
Looking forward to an interesting and productive meeting!