Hi all,
I am trying to install ASPECT on the cluster (CentOS 6.7). I have already downloaded it and run it properly on my workstation. But somehow I have failed to install deal_ii on the cluster. I am using ‘candi’ to do the installation.
I already installed the pre-required dependencies but the compilation of deal_ii end up with an error highlighted bellow-
"This is candi (compile and install)
Project: deal.II-toolchain: Found configuration.
using (user-forced) ./deal.II-toolchain/platforms/supported/centos7.platform.
Operating System Type detected as: linux
Dynamic shared library file extension detected as: *.so
Please read carefully your operating system notes below!
CentOS 7
This build script assumes that you have several packages already
installed via CentOS’s yum using the following command:
sudo yum install patch svn git wget
@development-tools gcc-c++ cmake
openmpi openmpi-devel
libtool libtool-ltdl libtool-ltdl-devel
lua lua-devel
blas blas-devel lapack lapack-devel
doxygen graphviz graphviz-devel qt-devel
Please load the ‘openmpi’ compiler with
module load mpi/openmpi-x86_64
and then set the compiler enviroment variables to
export CC=mpicc; export CXX=mpicxx; export FC=mpif90; export FF=mpif77
before you continue!
Please make sure you’ve read the instructions above and your system
is ready for installing deal.II-toolchain.
If not, please abort the installer by pressing + !
Then copy and paste these instructions into this terminal.
Once ready, hit enter to continue!
candi tries now to download, configure, build and install:
Project: deal.II-toolchain
Platform: deal.II-toolchain/platforms/supported/centos7.platform
Downloading files to: /source/candi-master/deal.ii-candi/tmp/src
Unpacking files to: /source/candi-master/deal.ii-candi/tmp/unpack
Building packages in: /source/candi-master/deal.ii-candi/tmp/build
Installing packages in: /source/candi-master/install/candi
Package configuration in: /source/candi-master/install/candi/configuration
Number of (at most) build processes to use: PROCS=12
Building stable releases of deal.II-toolchain packages.
Currently loaded modulefiles:
No Modulefiles Currently Loaded.
Compiler Variables:
CC variable not set, but default mpicc found.
CC = /opt/openmpi/bin/mpicc
CXX variable not set, but default mpicxx found.
CXX = /opt/openmpi/bin/mpicxx
FC variable not set, but default mpif90 found.
FC = /opt/openmpi/bin/mpif90
FF variable not set, but default mpif77 found.
FF = /opt/openmpi/bin/mpif77
Once ready, hit enter to continue!
candi tries now to download, configure, build and install:
Project: deal.II-toolchain
Platform: deal.II-toolchain/platforms/supported/centos7.platform
Loading dealii-prepare
Skipping opencascade
Skipping parmetis
Skipping hdf5
Skipping p4est
PETSc: configuration with ParMETIS
Skipping petsc
Skipping slepc
deal.II: configuration with METIS
deal.II: configuration with P4EST
deal.II: configuration with HDF5
deal.II: configuration with PETSC
deal.II: configuration with SLEPC
deal.II: configuration with OPENCASCADE
Fetching dealii v9.0.0
Initialized empty Git repository in /source/candi-master/deal.ii-candi/tmp/unpac k/deal.II-v9.0.0/.git/
error: while accessing https://github.com/dealii/dealii.git/info/refs
fatal: HTTP request failed
Failure with exit status: 128
Exit message: candi: git clone https://github.com/dealii/dealii.git deal.II-v9.0 .0 failed"
Could you please provide us any information in this regard?
Thanks for the help!