Dear Experts,
I am currently using ASPECT version 3.0.0 to run a continental rift model. I have attempted to integrate FastScape for sediment layer simulation, but I’ve encountered an issue with the two fields I added: grain_size_evolution
and water_content
. Specifically, the values in the bottom 5 km of the model are initialized to zero. However, when I disable FastScape in the mesh deformation subsection, this issue does not occur, and the fields are initialized correctly.
Here are the parameters I have configured for FastScape. I would greatly appreciate your advice on how to modify these settings to resolve this issue.
subsection Mesh deformation
set Mesh deformation boundary indicators = top : fastscape
set Additional tangential mesh velocity boundary indicators = left, right
subsection Free surface
set Free surface stabilization theta = 0.5
subsection Fastscape
set Number of fastscape timesteps per aspect timestep = 5
set Maximum timestep length = 1000
set Vertical exaggeration = -1
set Additional fastscape refinement = 0
set Average out of plane surface topography in 2d = true
set Fastscape seed = 1000
set Maximum surface refinement level = 1
set Surface refinement difference = 0
set Use marine component = true
set Y extent in 2d = 40e3
set Use ghost nodes = true
set Uplift and advect with fastscape = true
set Node tolerance = 0.001
set Sediment rain rates = 0.03e-3,0.01e-3
set Sediment rain time intervals = 15e6
set Initial noise magnitude = 5
subsection Boundary conditions
set Front = 1 # Front (bottom) boundary condition, where 1 is fixed and 0 is reflective.
set Right = 1 # Right boundary condition, where 1 is fixed and 0 is reflective.
set Back = 1 # Back (top) boundary condition, where 1 is fixed and 0 is reflective.
set Left = 1 # Left boundary condition, where 1 is fixed and 0 is reflective.
subsection Erosional parameters
set Drainage area exponent = 0.4
set Slope exponent = 1
set Multi-direction slope exponent = -1
set Bedrock deposition coefficient = 1
set Sediment deposition coefficient = 1
set Bedrock river incision rate = 1e-5
set Sediment river incision rate = -1
set Bedrock diffusivity = 5e-3
set Sediment diffusivity = -1
set Orographic elevation control = 2000
set Orographic wind barrier height = 500
set Elevation factor = 1
set Wind barrier factor = 1
set Stack orographic controls = true
set Flag to use orographic controls = false
set Wind direction = west
set Use a fixed erosional base level = false
set Erosional base level = 0
subsection Marine parameters
set Sea level = -500
set Sand porosity = 0.0
set Silt porosity = 0.0
set Sand e-folding depth = 0
set Silt e-folding depth = 0
set Sand-silt ratio = 1
set Depth averaging thickness = 1e2
set Sand transport coefficient = 200
set Silt transport coefficient = 200
Thank you for your assistance!
Chenghui Zeng