Dear All,
I am working on a 2D subduction setup with a continental block in the lower plate, using a free surface, adaptive mesh refinement, and visco-plastic rheology. I have encountered a problem where one of the cells at the top of the model returns a non-positive volume fraction and crashes the simulation:
“An error occurred in line <2727> of file </trinity/opt/apps/software/aspect/aspect-2.0.1/candi/DEAL2/tmp/unpack/deal.II-v9.0.1/source/fe/> in function
dealii::CellSimilarity::Similarity dealii::MappingQGeneric<dim, spacedim>::fill_fe_values(const dealii::Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::cell_iterator &, dealii::CellSimilarity::Similarity, const dealii::Quadrature &, const dealii::Mapping<dim, spacedim>::InternalDataBase &, dealii::internal::FEValuesImplementation::MappingRelatedData<dim, spacedim> &) const [with int dim = 2, int spacedim = 2]
The violated condition was:
det > 1e-12*Utilities::fixed_power(cell->diameter()/ std::sqrt(double(dim)))
Additional information:
The image of the mapping applied to cell with center [1.16145e+06 658711] is distorted. The cell geometry or the mapping are invalid, giving a non-positive volume fraction of -42785.9 in quadrature point 3.”
The problematic cell is at or very close to the deforming surface. The attached density plot shows the 1.16e6 x coordinate tick where it occurred.
Below I paste a part of the input file describing global, mesh refinment, and free surface parameters:
set Dimension = 2
set Nonlinear solver scheme = iterated Advection and Newton Stokes
set Nonlinear solver tolerance = 1e-2
set Max nonlinear iterations = 20
set CFL number = 0.05
set Timing output frequency = 20
set Pressure normalization = no
subsection Solver parameters
subsection Stokes solver parameters
set Linear solver tolerance = 1e-3
set Number of cheap Stokes solver steps = 100
subsection Newton solver parameters
set Max pre-Newton nonlinear iterations = 1000
Model geometry (660 km deep aspect ratio 4:1)
subsection Geometry model
set Model name = box
subsection Box
set X repetitions = 4
set Y repetitions = 1
set X extent = 2640e3
set Y extent = 660e3
set X periodic = true
Mesh refinement specifications:
subsection Mesh refinement
set Initial adaptive refinement = 4
set Initial global refinement = 4
set Time steps between mesh refinement = 5
set Strategy = viscosity, composition, strain rate, temperature
set Refinement fraction = 0.95
subsection Free surface
set Free surface boundary indicators = top
set Free surface stabilization theta = 0.9
set Surface velocity projection = normal
The problem occurs where the free surface is rapidly deforming, so perhaps it is related to one of the elements getting “bow-tied” between two re-meshing. Could anyone advise me on how to tackle this issue?
Thank you and best,
Kristof Porkolab