Hi all,
I am running ASPECT with this configuration:
– This is ASPECT, the Advanced Solver for Problems in Earth’s ConvecTion.
– . version 2.0.1 (aspect-2.0, 2863594)
– . using deal.II 9.0.0
– . using Trilinos 12.10.1
– . using p4est 2.0.0
– . running in DEBUG mode
– . running with 1088 MPI processes
– How to cite ASPECT: https://aspect.geodynamics.org/cite.html
i am simulating a 3D convecting system that was working well inn previous aspect versions. Now, I run it, it goes well until about 700 steps depending on the run(I have tryied several times). It suddenly fails on writing the quadrants …of the mesh? with sc_io.c:586 not habding it appropriately?
I would appreciate if you could advice me something…
warm regards,
*** Timestep 699: t=4.06458e+15 seconds
Solving temperature system… 4 iterations.
Solving C_1 system … 15 iterations.
Rebuilding Stokes preconditioner…
Solving Stokes system… 31+0 iterations.
RMS, max velocity: 5.25e-10 m/s, 2.23e-09 m/s
Temperature min/avg/max: 1799 K, 1800 K, 2100 K
Heat fluxes through boundary parts: -593.9 W, -1828 W, -6447 W, -6900 W, -4.032e+09 W, 0.2552 W
Compositions min/max/mass: -0.02513/1.023/5.299e+18
Number of advected particles: 20000
Abort: write quadrants
Abort: write quadrants
Abort: write quadrants
Abort: write quadrants
Abort: write quadrants
Abort: write quadrants
Abort: write quadrants
Abort: write quadrants
Abort: write quadrants
Abort: write quadrants
Abort: write quadrants
Abort: write quadrants
Abort: write quadrants
Abort: /work/04020/unfelipe/stampede2/software/candi/install/tmp/unpack/p4est-2.0/sc/src/sc_io.c:586
Abort: /work/04020/unfelipe/stampede2/software/candi/install/tmp/unpack/p4est-2.0/sc/src/sc_io.c:586
Abort: /work/04020/unfelipe/stampede2/software/candi/install/tmp/unpack/p4est-2.0/sc/src/sc_io.c:586