We will need quite a bit more information to diagnose the issue, including the PRM file, images of the model results, and overall goals of what you are trying to achieve with the model setup.
Excuse me for to reply so long. I tried a demo from an essay and data is also the same source.
using deal.II 9.6.1
– . with 32 bit indices
– . with vectorization level 1 (SSE2, 2 doubles, 128 bits)
– . using Trilinos 14.4.0
– . using p4est 2.3.6
– . using Geodynamic World Builder 1.0.0
initial_temperature_profile.txt (25.6 KB)
Mechanical-NSP2.4.0.prm (9.4 KB)
Thanks you for posting the information in the last two posts. Can you also post the full log.txt file?
The PRM file you posted is for a fairly complicated model design.
Can you give us insight into the nature of the model (i.e., what do you hope to achieve by running it) and how you developed it over time? In practice, it will likely be hard to diagnose the issue by just looking at the PRM and log.txt file, and what would be most useful is if you can reduce the complexity of the PRM file to its simplest form while still reproducing the same issue.
Alternatively, start from a simpler model and systematically add complexity (while running the model to completion at each step) until the issue presents itself again.