I have been having issues running ASPECT on Stampede. I was able to run and submit jobs earlier this spring, but now there seems to be an error connected to the ASPECT executable. Here is the exact text for the error:
error while loading shared libraries: libdeal_II.so.9.3.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I realized this was an older version of the dealii library, so I followed the wiki installation instructions,) which was updated this April, in order to get the most recent version of ASPECT running. I was able to install dependencies using candi, but I ran into errors when attempting to build ASPECT.
After git cloning ASPECT into my software directory, I tried to make an empty build directory and run the cmake command, but there were various errors referencing necessary files (like CMakeLists.txt) that were in the software directory. So I ran the cmake in the main software directory, which completes without error:
However, trying to run the make command leads to an issue with some Unity files in the source code:
Have any other Stampede users run into issues running ASPECT?