Hi there,
I installed the SPECFEM_GLOBAL package according to the manual, and tried a quick example in /global_small. It runs successfully if I use 6 processors (in Par_file, NCHUNKS=6, NPROC_XI=1, NPROC_ETA=1). But it fails if I use 24 processors (in Par_file, NCHUNKS=6, NPROC_XI=2, NPROC_ETA=2). The error mesg is below, if you may give some suggestions, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
[c25g02:20124:0:20124] Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault: address not mapped to object at address 0x7ffddf41fb08)
==== backtrace ====
0 /lib64/libucs.so.0(+0x17970) [0x7f7f5c411970]
1 /lib64/libucs.so.0(+0x17b22) [0x7f7f5c411b22]
2 /home//tools/specfem3d_globe/EXAMPLES/global_small/bin/xmeshfem3D() [0x4ff47a]
3 /home///specfem3d_globe/EXAMPLES/global_small/bin/xmeshfem3D
() [0x60614e]
4 /home///specfem3d_globe/EXAMPLES/global_small/bin/xmeshfem3D
() [0x603324]
5 /home///specfem3d_globe/EXAMPLES/global_small/bin/xmeshfem3D
() [0x4b0673]
6 /home///specfem3d_globe/EXAMPLES/global_small/bin/xmeshfem3D
() [0x4a4250]
7 /home///specfem3d_globe/EXAMPLES/global_small/bin/xmeshfem3D
() [0x45c5fd]
8 /home///specfem3d_globe/EXAMPLES/global_small/bin/xmeshfem3D
() [0x40d3e2]
9 /lib64/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf5) [0x7f7f7353e555]
10 /home//*/specfem3d_globe/EXAMPLES/global_small/bin/xmeshfem3D
() [0x40d2e9]
Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned
a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
mpirun noticed that process rank 11 with PID 0 on node c25g02 exited on signal 11 (Segmentation fault).