Loading dealii-prepare
Skipping cmake
Skipping astyle
Skipping hdf5
Skipping netcdf
Skipping sundials
Skipping p4est
trilinos: configuration with netCDF and SEACAS
Skipping trilinos
.package does not exist yet. Please create it.
Also tried to add .package manually (in trilinos directory and dealii), still not working. It always gives error for the non-existence of .package directory.
What should I do to solve this problem?
Thank you in advance for the help.
@adhitama I don’t precisely know what your candi.cfg looks like, but I think that the cause of all your trouble is the error “.package does not exist yet. Please create it.” This suggests to me that perhaps there’s an empty line in your candi.cfg that is interpreted as the name of a package with the empty string interpreted as the name of a package (which is then promptly not found).
If you install the ubuntu deal.II packages, there is no need to use candi because you already have deal.II installed. Just proceed by installing ASPECT.