Do we have a "parameter" file that contains all formatted parameters that pylith support?

Hi, We want to create a gui or some helpful util to help list available options that pylith support at right place, if any, just like aspect “parameters.xml” might be ok.

Are you aware of the PyLith Parameter viewer?

PyLith does not have a fixed set of parameters, so it is not easy to develop a list of possible parameters. For example, the materials, boundary conditions, faults, etc and their names are set by the parameter file.

You would have to load all of the Pyre Python objects in the current PYTHONPATH and query them for their properties and components; for a given Pyre component, you would have to search for which Pyre facility it implements. Such a utility would work for the version of Pyre we are currently using and would become obsolete when we switch to the “current” version of Pyre in the coming year that defines properties and components in a different way.

If you are interested in contributing this functionality, then this would be a good project for a future hackathon; this year’s hackathon is probably too early as we won’t have migrated to the current version of Pyre yet.

Hi, yes, I know parameter viewer, that works after creation of model, we need some helpful tips before that.
Our problem is that we don’t know what parameters can be inputted when create my input file, as well as the format, meaning and syntax of these parameters when reading examples. For example, the following code snippet:

bc = [bc_xneg, bc_yneg, bc_xpos, bc_ypos]
bc.bc_xneg = pylith.bc.DirichletTimeDependent
bc.bc_yneg = pylith.bc.DirichletTimeDependent
bc.bc_xpos = pylith.bc.DirichletTimeDependent
bc.bc_ypos = pylith.bc.DirichletTimeDependent
# Degree of freedom (dof) 1 corresponds to y displacement. 
constrained_dof = [1]
label = boundary_xneg
db_auxiliary_field = spatialdata.spatialdb.SimpleDB
db_auxiliary_field.description = Dirichlet BC -x edge
db_auxiliary_field.iohandler.filename = sheardisp_bc_xneg.spatialdb
db_auxiliary_field.query_type = linear

What should I refer to to know what parameters are needed and can be filled in here?
What format should the parameters be input in and what is their meaning?
Just for this case, we refer to problem and bc and still confused, Many parameters seem to appear out of nowhere, and their usage is supposed to be as demonstrated in the examples, almost as if they can only be memorized by rote.
we found “db_auxiliary_field” in DirichletTimeDependent but don’t know what "db_auxiliary_field " can be assigned expect “spatialdata.spatialdb.UniformDB” as well as their difference, we only know "db_auxiliary_field " can set “discription” “values” “data”, and "time_history " can set “discription” “filename” .
The process of learning and using Pylith is accompanied by a pronounced sense of disconnection and is prone to being forgotten. It’s possible that our approach to learning is not optimal, and we would greatly appreciate any helpful advice, we would create our own auxiliary tools if need.
Thank you

The PyLith Components section of the PyLith manual provides a description of all of the components available. The Component Implementations section groups them by what they implement to help associate, for example a Fault to the types of faults, etc.

The individual components, such as Elasticity lists the properties and facilities of each component along with an example of its use.

Similar documentation exists for the spatial databases.

We understand it can be challenging to write the parameter files from scratch. We strive to cover nearly all features with the suite of examples and continue to fill in gaps. We also hope that updating to the current version of Pyre in the next year will make it easier to generate additional documentation on how all of the components fit together.

Hi, thanks a lot, We will try to understand those exapmles and components separately as correct as possible, We are in greet need of softwares like pylith.