This is a setup for convection in a 2D box with a phase transition
in the center, and corresponds to the setup of the Boussinesq cases
in Christensen & Yuen 1985.
set Dimension = 2
set End time = 2e8
set Output directory = christensen_yuen
We use a nonlinear solver to make sure any nonlinearity that may be
associated with the phase transition is resolved, and we use a large
value for the Maximum nonlinear iterations to make it obvious if the
nonlinear solver does not converge. Usually, the nonlinear solver
should converge within 1-5 iterations.
set Nonlinear solver scheme = iterated Advection and Stokes
set Max nonlinear iterations = 500
set Maximum time step = 1e5
set Adiabatic surface temperature = 500
subsection Solver parameters
subsection Stokes solver parameters
set Stokes solver type = block GMG
This model assumes the Boussinesq approximation, so it is
incompressible and has a constant reference density.
subsection Formulation
set Formulation = Boussinesq approximation
For the Boussinesq approximation, all heating terms are switched off.
subsection Heating model
set List of model names =
The model domain is a quadratic box.
subsection Geometry model
set Model name = box
subsection Box
set X extent = 1350000
set Y extent = 1350000
Set the reference profile.
The temperature on the reference profile is 500 K, halfway between the
top temperature of 0 K and the bottom temperature of 1000 K.
subsection Adiabatic conditions model
set Model name = function
subsection Function
set Function constants = density=1000
set Function expression = 500; density10depth; density
set Variable names = depth
This is the new part: We declare that there will
be two compositional fields that will be
advected along. Their initial conditions are given by
a function that is one for the lowermost 0.2 height
units of the domain and zero otherwise in the first case,
and one in the top most 0.2 height units in the latter.
subsection Compositional fields
set Number of fields = 1
subsection Initial composition model
set Model name = function
subsection Function
set Variable names = x,y
set Function expression = if(y<270000, 1, 0)
This temperature initial condition resembles the one on Christensen & Yuen, 1985.
It has conductive boundary layers at the top and bottom, and sinusoidal
temperature perturbations.
subsection Initial temperature model
set Model name = function
subsection Function
set Function constants = delta=0.1, A=10, h=1350000, pi=3.1416
set Variable names = x,z
set Function expression = 500 + 500*(erfc(z/(hdelta)) - erfc((1-z/h)/delta)) + Acos(pix/h)sin(piz/h) + Acos(2pix/h)sin(piz/h) + Acos(pix/h)sin(2piz/h) + Acos(2pix/h)sin(2pi*z/h)
subsection Boundary temperature model
set Fixed temperature boundary indicators = top, bottom
set List of model names = box
subsection Box
set Top temperature = 0
set Bottom temperature = 1000
subsection Boundary velocity model
set Tangential velocity boundary indicators = top, bottom, left, right
subsection Gravity model
set Model name = vertical
subsection Vertical
set Magnitude = 10
This material model uses phase functions.
The model in Christensen & Yuen is nondimensional, but we want to keep
Earth-like parameters. To achieve this, we set all material
properties to multiples of 10, and then control the three important
model parameters by setting:
k = 2.460375e7 / Ra, to control the Rayleigh number,
deltarho = 2 alpha rho DeltaT = 200 kg/m3, to achieve Rb = 2Ra, as in Christensen & Yuen,
gamma = P * Ra/Rb * rho g h / DeltaT = P/2 * 1.35e7 Pa/K, to set the phase buoyancy parameter.
(for a more detailed explanation, see the corresponding cookbook description in the manual).
subsection Material model
set Model name = latent heat
set Material averaging = harmonic average only viscosity
subsection Latent heat
# All parameters in the equation of state are constant, and the mode is incompressible.
set Reference temperature = 500
set Reference density = 1000
set Reference specific heat = 1000
set Thermal expansion coefficient = 1e-4
set Compressibility = 0
set Thermal conductivity = 246.03750 # k = 2.460375e7/Ra, corresponds to Ra = 1e5
# There is one phase transition in the center of the box (at a depth of 675 km),
# with a width of 67.5 km (5% of the box height).
# It occurs at that depth if the temperature corresponds to the reference temperature (500 K);
# for different temperatures the depth changes according to the Clapeyron slope (-2.7 MPa/K).
# At the phase transition, the density increases from its reference value of 1000 kg/m^3 to
# 1200 kg/m^3.
set Define transition by depth instead of pressure = true
set Phase transition depths = 675000
set Phase transition widths = 67500
set Phase transition temperatures = 500
set Phase transition Clapeyron slopes = -2700000 # gamma = P * Ra/Rb, corresponds to P = -0.4
set Phase transition density jumps = 200 # deltarho = 2 alpha rho DeltaT (Rb = 2Ra)
set Corresponding phase for density jump = 0
# The viscosity is constant
set Viscosity = 1e20
set Minimum viscosity = 1e20
set Maximum viscosity = 1e20
set Viscosity prefactors = 1,1
set Thermal viscosity exponent = 0.0
subsection Mesh refinement
set Initial global refinement = 6
set Initial adaptive refinement = 0
set Time steps between mesh refinement = 0
Stop the model run when a steady state heat flux is reached.
Some of the models do not reach steady state and will continue
until the end time is reached.
subsection Termination criteria
set Termination criteria = end time, steady state heat flux
subsection Steady state heat flux
set Maximum relative deviation = 0.005
set Time in steady state = 1e7
set Boundary indicators = top
subsection Postprocess
set List of postprocessors = velocity statistics, temperature statistics, heat flux statistics, heating statistics, composition statistics, visualization
subsection Visualization
set Time between graphical output = 1e5
set List of output variables = material properties, adiabat, strain rate
subsection Material properties
set List of material properties = viscosity, density
This is the new part: We declare that there will
be two compositional fields that will be
advected along. Their initial conditions are given by
a function that is one for the lowermost 0.2 height
units of the domain and zero otherwise in the first case,
and one in the top most 0.2 height units in the latter.
subsection Compositional fields
set Number of fields = 2
subsection Initial composition model
set Model name = function
subsection Function
set Variable names = x,y
set Function expression = if(y<270000, 1, 0) ; if(y>1080000, 1, 0)
subsection Material model
subsection Latent heat
set Thermal conductivity = 246.03750
set Phase transition Clapeyron slopes = -2700000.00000
set Output directory = Ra100000_P-0.4_tracers