Viscoplastic material model with compositional fields not switching


I would like to use the viscoplastic model with a phase transition of course at the 410 and 660. However, when I have changed from compositing to visco plastic my compositional fields (LM->UM at 660) are not switching (see figure). I attach my .prm, do I have wrong the syntax please?

Thanks a lot!

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Global parameters

set Dimension = 2
set Use years in output instead of seconds = true
set Start time = 0
set End time = 5000.e6 # 4.5e9 #400.e6
set Output directory = output
set Nonlinear solver scheme = iterated Stokes #single Advection, iterated Stokes
set Nonlinear solver tolerance = 5e-4 # -4 -> -5
set Max nonlinear iterations = 150
set Max nonlinear iterations in pre-refinement = 20
set Pressure normalization = no # free surface
set Maximum time step = 1e6
#set Number of cheap Stokes solver steps = 200 # aspect 2.2
set Adiabatic surface temperature = 1600 # need 4 initial adiabatic temp.
set CFL number = 0.5

set Resume computation = auto
subsection Checkpointing
set Steps between checkpoint = 100
set Time between checkpoint = 0
subsection Termination criteria
set Checkpoint on termination = false
set End step = 1
set Termination criteria = end time #end step

subsection Solver parameters
subsection Stokes solver parameters
#set GMRES solver restart length = 50
set Linear solver tolerance = 1e-5
set Maximum number of expensive Stokes solver steps = 1000
set Number of cheap Stokes solver steps = 200 # not using too much, only get a guess

Model Geometry

subsection Geometry model
set Model name = spherical shell

subsection Spherical shell
set Inner radius = 3485e3
set Outer radius = 6371e3 #5961e3
set Opening angle = 360

Mesh refinement

subsection Mesh refinement

set Coarsening fraction = 0.2

set Refinement fraction = 0.8

set Initial adaptive refinement = 2
set Initial global refinement = 5
set Time steps between mesh refinement = 0
set Strategy = minimum refinement function #velocity, temperature, minimum refinement function #temperature #, composition, temperature, minimum refinement function
subsection Minimum refinement function
set Variable names = depth,t
set Coordinate system = depth
set Function expression = if(depth<=760e3,7,5)



subsection Boundary composition model
#set Allow fixed composition on outflow boundaries = false # false for models without melt
set Fixed composition boundary indicators = bottom, top
subsection Boundary temperature model
#set Allow fixed temperature on outflow boundaries = true # default
set Fixed temperature boundary indicators = bottom, top
subsection Boundary velocity model

set Tangential velocity boundary indicators = left, right # 360

set Zero velocity boundary indicators = inner

subsection Mesh deformation
set Mesh deformation boundary indicators = top: free surface
subsection Free surface
set Free surface stabilization theta = 0.5

Number and names of compositional fields

subsection Compositional fields
set Number of fields = 4
set Names of fields = mantle_l, mantle_u, viscous_strain, plastic_strain #add strain field

Spatial domain of different compositional fields

Horizontal layers

subsection Initial composition model
set Model name = function
subsection Function
set Coordinate system = depth
set Variable names = depth,t
set Function expression =
if(depth>=660e3, 1, 0);
if(depth<660e3, 1, 0);
if(depth>=660e3, 0, 0);
if(depth<660e3, 0, 0)

Composition fixed on bottom, free on sides and top

subsection Boundary composition model
set Model name = initial composition

Set temperature Model

subsection Boundary temperature model

set Fixed temperature boundary indicators = top, bottom

set List of model names = spherical constant

subsection Spherical constant
set Inner temperature = 4000 #3300
set Outer temperature = 273 #273 for surface ############

Temperatur model

subsection Initial temperature model
#set Model name = adiabatic
set List of model names = adiabatic, function
set List of model operators = add

set Model name = adiabatic

subsection Adiabatic
set Age bottom boundary layer = 100.e6
set Age top boundary layer = 100.e6
set Radius = 0
set Amplitude = 0
set Position = center
set Subadiabaticity = 0
subsection Function
set Variable names = x,y
set Function constants = R=6371.e3
set Function expression =
if(sqrt(xx+yy)<=R-660.e3, 1, 0);
if(sqrt(xx+yy)>R-660.e3, 1, 0);
if(sqrt(xx+yy)<=R-660.e3, 0, 0);
if(sqrt(xx+yy)>R-660.e3, 0, 0)

subsection Function # temp. anomalie
set Coordinate system = cartesian
set Variable names = x,y,z
set Function constants = R=6371.e3, shift=3.e6, pi=3.14159, const=200
set Function expression =

if(sqrt(pow(x,2)+pow(y,2))>R-200.e3 &&
sqrt(pow(x,2)+pow(y,2))<R-100.e3 &&
atan(y/x)> 43pi/180 &&
atan(y/x)< 46
0)))))))) )) # mesh artefacts #if(sqrt(pow(x-shift-1.5e6,2)+pow(y-shift-1.5e6,2))<100.e3,+300.,
#set Function expression = if(r>0.e6 && phi>0 && phi<3000 && theta>0 && theta<3000,3100,2900)

subsection Adiabatic conditions model # need to initialize for initial adiabatic temp.
set Model name = compute profile
#set Model name = initial profile
subsection Compute profile #Initial profile
set Variable names = x,y
set Function constants = R=6371.e3
set Function expression =
if(sqrt(xx+yy)<=R-660.e3, 1, 0);
if(sqrt(xx+yy)>R-660.e3, 1, 0);
if(sqrt(xx+yy)>=R-660.e3, 0, 0);
if(sqrt(xx+yy)<R-660.e3, 0, 0)

subsection Heating model
set List of model names = adiabatic heating, compositional heating #, shear heating
#set List of model names = compositional heating
subsection Compositional heating
set Use compositional field for heat production averaging = 1,1,1,0,0
set Compositional heating values = 0.02e-6

############################ MATERIAL MODEL ######################################################################

subsection Material model
set Model name = visco plastic #visco plastic #melt simpe
set Material averaging = harmonic average
############################ MATERIAL MODEL ######################################################################
#subsection Compositing

set Viscosity = visco plastic

set Density = visco plastic

set Thermal expansion coefficient = visco plastic

set Specific heat = visco plastic

set Thermal conductivity = visco plastic

set Compressibility = visco plastic

set Entropy derivative pressure = visco plastic

set Entropy derivative temperature = visco plastic

set Reaction terms = composition reaction acg


subsection Visco Plastic 

  set Define transition by depth instead of pressure  = true

  set Phase transition Clapeyron slopes = background:1.5e6|-2e6,   mantle_l:1.5e6|-2e6,  mantle_u:1.5e6|-2e6 #based on Faccenda and Dal Zilio 2017 

  set Phase transition depths           = background: 410e3|660e3, mantle_l: 410e3|660e3, mantle_u:410e3|660e3

  set Phase transition widths           = background: 13e3|5e3,   mantle_l: 13e3|5e3,   mantle_u:13e3|5e3  #13km and 5km based on Arredondo and Billen 2016, 403.5e3|415.5e3, 657.5e3|662.5e3

  set Phase transition temperatures     = background: 1810|1940,   mantle_l: 1810|1940, mantle_u: 1810|1940 #based on Faccenda and Dal Zilio 2017

  #set Maximum thermal expansivity = 

  # Reference temperature and viscosity
  set Reference temperature = 293
  set Reference viscosity = 1e21
  # The minimum strain-rate helps limit large viscosities values that arise
  # as the strain-rate approaches zero.
  # The reference strain-rate is used on the first non-linear iteration
  # of the first time step when the velocity has not been determined yet. 
  set Minimum strain rate = 1.e-20
  set Reference strain rate = 1.e-15

  # Limit the viscosity with minimum and maximum values
  set Minimum viscosity = 1e19
  set Maximum viscosity = 1e24

  # Harmonic viscosity averaging
  set Viscosity averaging scheme = harmonic

  # Choose to have the viscosity (pre-yield) follow a dislocation
  # diffusion or composite flow law.  Here, dislocation is selected
  # so no need to specify diffusion creep parameters below, which are
  # only used if "diffusion" or "composite" option is selected.
  set Viscous flow law = diffusion

from cizkov

order: background , mantle_low , mantle_up

set Thermal diffusivities = 1.e-6
set Thermal expansivities = 3.e-5
set Heat capacities       =        1250     # specific heat
set Densities             =        3416.,               3416. ,                 3416.,3416,3416         #3750

set Thermal expansivities = 3.0e-5 , 3.0e-5, 2.7e-5

Dislocation creep

set Prefactors for dislocation creep          =  background:1e-30|1e-22|1e-22,        mantle_l:1e-30|1e-22|1e-22,           mantle_u:1e-30|1e-22|1e-22,        viscous_strain:1e-30, plastic_strain:1e-22 
set Stress exponents for dislocation creep    =  3.5
set Activation energies for dislocation creep =  background:4.8e5|4.8e5|4.8e5,        mantle_l:4.8e5|4.8e5|4.8e5,           mantle_u:4.8e5|4.8e5|4.8e5,        viscous_strain:4.8e5, plastic_strain:4.8e5
set Activation volumes for dislocation creep  =  background:11.e-6|11.e-6|11.e-6,     mantle_l:11.e-6|11.e-6|11.e-6,        mantle_u:11.e-6|11.e-6|11.e-6,     viscous_strain:11.e-6,plastic_strain:11.e-6 

Diffusion creep

set Prefactors for diffusion creep            =  background:2.5e-17|0.125e-9|0.125e-9,mantle_l:2.5e-17|0.125e-9|0.125e-9,   mantle_u:2.5e-17|0.125e-9|0.125e-9,viscous_strain:2.5e-17,plastic_strain:0.125e-9
set Stress exponents for diffusion creep      =  1.0                                                 
set Activation energies for diffusion creep   =  background:1.6e5|3.35e5|3.35e5,      mantle_l:1.6e5|3.35e5|3.35e5,         mantle_u:1.6e5|3.35e5|3.35e5,      viscous_strain:1.6e5,  plastic_strain:3.35e5
set Activation volumes for diffusion creep    =  background:2.5e-6|4.8e-6|4.8e-6,     mantle_l:2.5e-6|4.8e-6|4.8e-6,        mantle_u:2.5e-6|4.8e-6|4.8e-6,     viscous_strain:2.5e-6, plastic_strain:4.8e-6
set Grain size                                =  1 #1e-3
set Grain size exponents for diffusion creep  =  0   #default

# Plasticity parameters

set Angles of internal friction = 0,0,0,0,0 #   30            # Angle Mohr
set Cohesions                   = 1.e6,1000.e6,40.e6,1000e6,40e6  #40.e6 #  20.e6          # Displ. Mohr

add strain weakening

set Strain weakening mechanism                  = plastic weakening with plastic strain and viscous weakening with viscous strain 
set Start plasticity strain weakening intervals = 0.5
set Start prefactor strain weakening intervals  = 0.5
set Cohesion strain weakening factors           = 0.5
set Friction strain weakening factors           = 0.5
set Prefactor strain weakening factors          = 0.5
set End prefactor strain weakening intervals    = 1.5
set End plasticity strain weakening intervals   = 1.5



Gravity model

subsection Gravity model
set Model name = radial constant
subsection Radial constant
set Magnitude = 10



subsection Postprocess
set List of postprocessors = velocity statistics, basic statistics, temperature statistics,
visualization, topography, composition statistics, depth average, dynamic topography, heat flux statistics
subsection Visualization
set List of output variables = density, viscosity, strain rate, stress, nonadiabatic temperature, depth, shear stress, vertical heat flux, heat flux map, named additional outputs
set Output format = vtu
set Time between graphical output = 1e7 # each time step
set Interpolate output = true
set Number of grouped files = 0
subsection Heat flux map
set Output point wise heat flux = false # default=false
subsection Depth average
set Number of zones = 500
set Output format = vtu #, gnuplot, vtk #gnuplot

Hi Elodie,

sorry for the slow reply.

In general, your syntax looks fine to me: You have specified two phase transitions at 410 and 660 km, and then you change the activation energies/volumes accordingly (with a | between the different properties each phase has, and a comma between the different compositional fields).

I am not really sure what you mean by “the compositional fields aren’t switching any more”. If you have phase transitions, you won’t need the compositional fields for the different mantle layers any more (and they won’t have any reactions, because you’re not using the composition reaction model any longer). But the material properties should change at the appropriate depth (according to what you have specified in the input file).

Did you also want to change the cohesions at the phase transitions? You will need to follow the same syntax there. At the moment, the friction angles and cohesions look like comma-separated lists, so I am surprised that this even runs. But it looks like your model is running and you don’t get any error messages?

From your post, it’s also very hard to see what’s going on in the input file. Can you post your input file between backticks next time, i.e.

content of your file

Then markdown will interpret it as a code block and it’s easier to read.

Best wishes,

Hi Juliane,

Thanks a lot for your reply. Yeah I just realised that compositional fields are no longer necessary. Thanks a for clarifying and I’ll be sure to use backticks in the future.
