ASPECT Newsletter #94

Hello everyone!

       This is ASPECT newsletter #94.

It automatically reports recently merged features and discussions about the ASPECT mantle convection code.

Below you find a list of recently proposed or merged features:

#3327: www: update database.js tag to force loading new file (proposed by tjhei)
#3326: Report interpolate Stokes solution timing (proposed by gassmoeller; merged)
#3325: account timing for matrix-free build Stokes preconditioner (proposed by tjhei; merged)
#3324: www: fix matrix-free citing.html (proposed by tjhei; merged)
#3323: report prescribed advection field timer (proposed by tjhei; merged)
#3321: update parameters (proposed by tjhei; merged)
#3320: fix deprecation warning with deal.II master (proposed by tjhei; merged)
#3318: fix a typo (proposed by tjhei; merged)
#3317: Add benchmark (proposed by anne-glerum)
#3316: Replace most dynamic_casts (proposed by gassmoeller; merged)
#3315: Add ref, remove unused parameter (proposed by anne-glerum; merged)
#3314: fix warning for SimulatorSignals (proposed by tjhei; merged)
#3313: Phase transition test (proposed by lhy11009)
#3312: Add adiabatic surface temperature to S20RTS cookbook (proposed by gassmoeller; merged)
#3311: Fix world builder external dir (proposed by MFraters; merged)
#3310: Add newton and gwb citations (proposed by MFraters; merged)
#3309: Fix a deprecation warning with deal.II dev (proposed by gassmoeller; merged)
#3308: Replace some more dynamic_casts (proposed by gassmoeller; merged)
#3307: Fix particle exclude properties (proposed by MFraters; merged)
#3306: [WIP] Add viscoelasticity to the visco plastic material model (proposed by naliboff)
#3304: Replace dynamic_casts by proper function calls (proposed by gassmoeller; merged)
#3298: Unify the output of Stokes and Advection solver exceptions (proposed by gassmoeller; merged)
#3292: Reorder viscoelastic-plastic viscosity calculation (proposed by naliboff; merged)
#3039: Add initial topography to chunk (proposed by anne-glerum; merged)
#3038: Replace world builder submodule (proposed by MFraters; merged)

And this is a list of recently opened or closed discussions:

#3322 unaccounted timing information (opened and closed)
#3319 fix SphericalGaussianPerturbation (opened)
#3290 parsing parameters for phase entry, should we allow empty entry in Utilities::parse_map_to_double_array (closed)
#3288 How large the used memory increases when using larger “GMRES solver restart length” (closed)
#3193 Update of a publication on the website (closed)

A list of all major changes since the last release can be found at this website .

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Additional information can be found at our [official website](, and CIG's [ASPECT website](