ASPECT Newsletter #72

Hello everyone!

       This is ASPECT newsletter #72.

It automatically reports recently merged features and discussions about the ASPECT mantle convection code.

Below you find a list of recently proposed or merged features:

#2793: memory statistics: add VmPeak (proposed by tjhei)

#2792: Write geoid output point-wise (proposed by gassmoeller)

#2791: Output dynamic topography as point-wise vector (proposed by gassmoeller)

#2790: allows 2d sinker (proposed by tcclevenger)

#2789: “no Advection, no Stokes” solver scheme (proposed by LudovicJnnt; merged)

#2787: Add a higher resolution heat flux visualization postprocessor (proposed by gassmoeller)

#2786: extend two parameter descriptions (proposed by tjhei; merged)

#2785: Add assert when the variable temperature_for_viscosity becomes zero. (proposed by MFraters; merged)

#2784: Slightly improve accuracy of particle interpolation for active particles in time-varying flow. (proposed by gassmoeller)

#2783: Allow cell-wise constant composition element (proposed by gassmoeller; merged)

#2781: Remove indentation in some timing sections (proposed by gassmoeller; merged)

#2780: constraints: periodic before hanging [WIP] (proposed by tjhei)

#2778: world builder update 2 (proposed by tjhei; merged)

#2777: world builder cmake cleanup (proposed by tjhei; merged)

#2776: [WIP] Add phase_function material utilities (proposed by naliboff)

#2775: Fix latent_heat phase transitions loop (proposed by naliboff; merged)

#2774: disable FPEs while averaging (proposed by tjhei; merged)

#2773: remove a warning (proposed by tjhei; merged)

#2772: Output original prm (proposed by tjhei; merged)

#2770: udpate world builder to version 0.2.0-pre. (proposed by MFraters; merged)

#2761: add assert and notes about inhomogeneous constraints (proposed by tjhei; merged)

#2498: Sinker benchmark (proposed by gassmoeller; merged)

And this is a list of recently opened or closed discussions:

#2788 Output dynamic topography on vertices instead of cell-wise averaged (opened)

#2782 Worldbuilder causes compile warnings (opened and closed)

#2779 check handling or periodic and hanging node constraints (opened)

#2637 unstable Q1-DGP0 element? (closed)

A list of all major changes since the last release can be found at this website .

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Additional information can be found at our [official website](, and CIG's [ASPECT website](