ASPECT Newsletter #151

Hello everyone!

This is ASPECT newsletter #151.
It automatically reports recently merged features and discussions about the ASPECT mantle convection code.

Below you find a list of recently proposed or merged features:

#4591: Add upper and lower limits of temperature in phase transitions (implemented by lhy11009)
#4590: Fastscape updates: erosional baselevel, periodicity, masks, stratigraphy … (implemented by EstherHeck)
#4589: Move remaining benchmark documentation into separate files (implemented by sac-bsa; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4588: Moved addtional benchmark documentation (implemented by sac-bsa; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4586: set velocity in computation of initial lithostatsic pressure (implemented by jdannberg; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4585: Moved another batch of benchmark documentation (implemented by sac-bsa; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4584: Moved several benchmark’s documentation (implemented by sac-bsa; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4583: Moved van Keken cookbook documentation (implemented by sac-bsa; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4582: Moved onset of convection benchmark documentation (implemented by sac-bsa; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4581: Moved shell simple 2d smoothing cookbook (implemented by sac-bsa; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4580: Moved composition reaction cookbook (implemented by sac-bsa; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4579: Moved kinematically driven subduction 2d cookbook (implemented by sac-bsa; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4578: Moved visualizing phase diagram cookbook (implemented by sac-bsa; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4577: Moved sinker with averaging cookbook (implemented by sac-bsa; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4576: Moved shell simple 3d cookbook (implemented by sac-bsa; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4575: Improve astyle indentation (implemented by bangerth)
#4574: Moved shell simple 2d cookbook (implemented by sac-bsa; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4573: Moved shell 3d postprocess cookbook (implemented by sac-bsa; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4572: Moved prescribed velocity ASCII data cookbook (implemented by sac-bsa; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4571: Moved the prescribed velocity cookbook (implemented by sac-bsa; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4562: Use C++11-style closing double template angle brackets. (implemented by bangerth; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4545: add noninitial plastic strain property (implemented by naliboff; reviewed by anne-glerum)
#4206: Update continental extension cookbook (implemented by naliboff; reviewed by anne-glerum)
#3768: Add teaching cookbooks and materials (implemented by jdannberg; reviewed by naliboff)

And this is a list of recently opened or closed discussions:

#4587 Chunk velocity anomalies along refinement level boundaries (opened)

A list of all major changes since the last release can be found at this website.

Thanks for being part of the community!

Let us know about questions, problems, bugs or just share your experience by visting our forum, or by opening issues or pull requests on Github.
Additional information can be found at our official website, and CIG’s ASPECT website.