ASPECT Newsletter #160

Hello everyone!

This is ASPECT newsletter #160.
It automatically reports recently merged features and discussions about the ASPECT mantle convection code.

Below you find a list of recently proposed or merged features:

#4974: Add rk2 particle integrator first order accuracy option (implemented by gassmoeller)
#4973: always initialize dst vector in preconditioner (implemented by tjhei; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4972: update jsontomarkdown script for 9.4 (implemented by tjhei; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4970: Add a publication. (implemented by bangerth; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4968: Update the default value of the Newton maximum Stokes sovler tolerance to a more conservative value. (implemented by MFraters; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4967: Add test files (implemented by laila-16)
#4966: GMG:clear out mg constraints [WIP] (implemented by zjiaqi2018)
#4965: Add water fugacity to diffusion creep (implemented by danieldouglas92)
#4964: Publications by Weerdesteijn et al. and Liu and Yang (implemented by ljhwang; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4963: Add a publication citing ASPECT. (implemented by bangerth)
#4962: GMG: rm compute_no_normal_flux_constraints_box/shell (implemented by zjiaqi2018; reviewed by tjhei)
#4954: Also output the yield stress (implemented by anne-glerum; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4944: Docs: Sphinx conversion of several more benchmarks (implemented by cmills1095; reviewed by tjhei)
#4934: cookbooks/initial-condition-S20RTS (implemented by zjiaqi2018; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4932: move composition velocity statistics from cookbook to main branch (implemented by elodie-kendall; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4922: Reduce gcc memory usage on deal.II development tester (implemented by gassmoeller; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#3903: Add particle property plugin CPO core (implemented by MFraters; reviewed by gassmoeller)

And this is a list of recently opened or closed discussions:

#4971 spiegelman_et_al_2016 convergence issue (opened)
#4969 Github action to build docker container occasionally cancelled (opened)
#4960 deal.II master floating point exception (opened and closed)
#4952 json to markdown for parameters demangling in 9.4 (closed)

A list of all major changes since the last release can be found at this website.

Thanks for being part of the community!

Let us know about questions, problems, bugs or just share your experience by visting our forum, or by opening issues or pull requests on Github.
Additional information can be found at our official website, and CIG’s ASPECT website.