Hi Everyone,
We would like to draw your attention to the Interior of the Earth Gordon Research Conference and Gordon Research Seminar which will take place in June 2025.
The 2025 Interior of the Earth Gordon Research Conference (GRC) will be held on June 22-27 at Mount Holyoke College (South Hadley, Massachusetts, US). Our meeting theme is Volatiles, Melt and Viscosity: Consequences for Mantle Evolution and Climate System Interactions. Researchers at all career stages are encouraged to participate. The 2025 GRC will focus on volatiles, mantle melting processes, mantle viscosity and their consequences for the dynamics and evolution of the Earth’s interior and its interactions with the climate system. The meeting will explore the distribution of volatiles inside the Earth; their impacts on the production of partial melt and on mantle rheology; and their roles in the plate tectonic system (including volatile cycling in subduction zones), volcanic processes, metasomatic alteration of the lithosphere, mantle convection, and the evolution of Earth’s interior since its formation. We will also examine the processes that dominate the cycling of volatiles between the Earth’s interior and the atmosphere, both in the recent plate tectonic regime and billions of years ago. Another key topic is the role of mantle viscosity in determining the solid Earth response to the changing mass loads of ice sheets and sea-level.
The 2025 Interior of the Earth GRC will explore the latest developments in understanding these fascinating and interwoven processes by integrating wide-ranging perspectives, including geochemistry, petrology, geodynamics, seismology, geodesy, magnetotellurics, rock deformation, mineral physics, paleomagnetism, geology, and more. We have a terrific international line-up of speakers and discussion leaders for morning and evening plenary sessions, which will include ample time for discussion. Everyone will have the chance to present their work in highly interactive poster sessions. Unscheduled afternoon time will provide opportunities for informal discussions that can lead to new collaborations and projects. The small meeting size (typically 130-140 people) will help to create a sense of community and enhance interactions between scientists from all career stages.
For the GRC meeting program and how to apply, please visit this page: 2025 Interior of the Earth Conference GRC.
GRC registration fees include housing in a dormitory on campus at Mount Holyoke (single or double rooms) and all meals during the five days of the conference. GRS registration fees cover similar lodging and meals for an additional 1.5 days.
Please feel free to forward this message to students and colleagues who may be interested, and to contact us directly with any questions.
We hope to see you at Mount Holyoke in June!
Best regards,
Karen Fischer, Interior of the Earth GRC Chair (Brown University, Karen_Fischer@brown.edu)
Jennifer Jackson, Interior of the Earth GRC Vice-Chair (Caltech, jacksonj@caltech.edu)
Vasilije Dobrosavljevic, Interior of the Earth GRS Co-Chair (Carnegie Institution for Science, vasilije@carnegiescience.edu)
Heidi Krauss, Interior of the Earth GRS Co-Chair (Michigan State University, Heidi.N.Krauss@gmail.com)