We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for the 2021 ASPECT Hackathon;
When : Jun 30 (only for new participants), Jul 6 - Jul 16 (for everyone)
Where : Virtual, Slack, Zoom
As in previous years, the hackathon is a venue for those with experience developing models with ASPECT and ASPECT itself, to get together and make major progress in a short amount of time. Hackathons have no formal program, with almost all time set aside to work on coding, learning, mentoring, and enjoying a community of fellow hackers.
Due to the uncertain conditions around the COVID pandemic, the hackathon will be held virtually, similar to the 2020 hackathon. Participation is limited due to the limited capacity for mentoring, and the less efficient communication via video conferencing.
If you are interested in participating, please apply before April 30, 2021.
Application and full event details are available at:
The Organizing Committee
Lorraine Hwang, Wolfgang Bangerth, Juliane Dannberg, Rene Gassmoeller, Timo Heister, John Naliboff