Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 2020 CIG Virtual Tectonics Modeling Tutorial (July 20-24), which will provide an opportunity for both new and experienced modelers to receive hands-on training on the fundamentals of long-term tectonic modeling.
The training modules will be taught using the CIG community code ASPECT and cover a range of topics, including basic examples of mantle convection and lithospheric deformation, viscoelastic-plastic deformation, two-phase flow, and complex model design.
Given the virtual nature of the meeting and the wide range of time zones for the participants, formal daily sessions will be limited to 2-3 hours each day and will be held in the morning within the Pacific Time zone. Additional sessions will be available before and after the formal sessions for discussion of tutorial materials and one-on-one virtual assistance for individual participant projects.
Registration for the event is open now through June 30.
For additional information, please visit the meeting website or contact us at
Best wishes,
John Naliboff
Meeting Organizers
Wolfgang Bangerth, Colorado State University
Juliane Dannberg, U. Florida
Menno Fraters, UC Davis
Rene Gassmoeller, UC Davis
Anne Glerum, GFZ Potsdam
Timo Heister, Clemson University
Lorraine Hwang, UC Davis
John Naliboff, UC Davis