Dear Bob
I have been trying to use the newer version of burnman to create a burnman readable file, and I keep getting the below error: I am using the newer version of perple_x of v.7.0.9. I have tried the various versions of burnman, and non seem to work. Thank you.
Keeping P-T range the same as the original project range.
Perple_X release 7.0.9, March 27, 2023.
Copyright (C) 1986-2023 James A D Connolly <>.
Enter the project name (the name assigned in BUILD) [default = my_project]:
Reading Perple_X options from: stx21_perplex_option.dat
Writing Perple_X option summary to: not requested
Perple_X computational option settings for WERAMI:
Keyword: Value: Permitted values [default]:
Input/Output options:
aqueous_output T [F] T
aqeuous_species 20 [20] 0-150
aq_solvent_composition y [y] m: y => mol fraction, m => molality
aq_solute_composition m y [m]: y => mol fraction, m => molality
spreadsheet T [F] T
logarithmic_p F [F] T
logarithmic_X F [F] T
bad_number NaN [NaN]
composition_constant F [F] T
composition_phase mol [mol] wt
composition_system wt [wt] mol
proportions vol [vol] wt mol
absolute F [F] T
cumulative F [F] T
fancy_cumulative_modes F [F] T
interpolation on [on] off
melt_is_fluid T [T] F
solution_names mod [model] abbreviation full
structural_formulae T [T] F
output_species T [T] F
output_species_props F [F] T
seismic_output som [some] none all
pause_on_error T [T] F
poisson_test F [F] T
interim_results aut [auto] off manual
sample_on_grid T [T] F
Information file output options:
option_list_files F [F] T; echo computational options
Thermodynamic options:
approx_alpha T [T] F
Anderson-Gruneisen F [F] T
hybrid_EoS_H2O 4 [4] 0-2, 4-7
hybrid_EoS_CO2 4 [4] 0-4, 7
hybrid_EoS_CH4 0 [0] 0-1, 7
fd_expansion_factor 2.0 [2] >0
finite_difference_p 0.1E+05 [1d4] >0; fraction = 0.1E-02 [1d-2]
Seismic wavespeed computational options:
seismic_data_file T [F] T
bounds VRH [VRH] HS
vrh/hs_weighting 0.5 [0.5] 0->1
explicit_bulk_modulus T [T] F
poisson_ratio on [on] all off; Poisson ratio = 0.35
seismic_output som [some] none all
poisson_test F [F] T
Tisza_test F [F] T
fluid_shear_modulus T [T] F
phi_d 0.36 [0.36] 0->1
To change these options see:
warning ver099 The P derivative of mu for qtz is < 0, this is improbable.
Select operational mode:
1 - properties at specified conditions
2 - properties on a 2d grid
3 - properties along a 1d path
4 - as in 3, but input from file
0 - EXIT
Select a property:
1 - Specific Enthalpy (J/m3)
2 - Density (kg/m3)
3 - Specific heat capacity (J/K/m3)
4 - Expansivity (1/K, for volume)
5 - Compressibility (1/bar, for volume)
6 - Composition (Mol, Mass, or Wt%) of the system
7 - Mode (Vol, Mol, or Wt proportion) of a phase
8 - Composition (Mol, Mass, or Wt%) of a solution phase
9 - Grueneisen thermal ratio
10 - Adiabatic bulk modulus (bar)
11 - Adiabatic shear modulus (bar)
12 - Sound velocity (km/s)
13 - P-wave velocity (Vp, km/s)
14 - S-wave velocity (Vs, km/s)
15 - Vp/Vs
16 - Specific entropy (J/K/m3)
17 - Entropy (J/K/kg)
18 - Enthalpy (J/kg)
19 - Heat Capacity (J/K/kg)
20 - Specific mass of a phase (kg/m3-system)
21 - Poisson ratio
22 - Molar Volume (J/bar)
23 - Dependent potentials (J/mol, bar, K)
24 - Assemblage Index
25 - Modes of all phases
26 - Sound velocity T derivative (km/s/K)
27 - P-wave velocity T derivative (km/s/K)
28 - S-wave velocity T derivative (km/s/K)
29 - Adiabatic bulk modulus T derivative (bar/K)
30 - Shear modulus T derivative (bar/K)
31 - Sound velocity P derivative (km/s/bar)
32 - P-wave velocity P derivative (km/s/bar)
33 - S-wave velocity P derivative (km/s/bar)
34 - Adiabatic bulk modulus P derivative (unitless)
35 - Shear modulus P derivative (unitless)
36 - All phase &/or system properties
37 - Absolute amount (Vol, Mol, or Wt) of a phase
38 - Multiple property output
39 - Heat capacity ratio (Cp/Cv)
40 - Lagged or back-calculated aqueous solute chemistry
Calculate individual phase properties (y/n)?
Select an additional property or enter 0 to finish:
Calculate individual phase properties (y/n)?
Select an additional property or enter 0 to finish:
Calculate individual phase properties (y/n)?
Select an additional property or enter 0 to finish:
Calculate individual phase properties (y/n)?
Select an additional property or enter 0 to finish:
Calculate individual phase properties (y/n)?
Select an additional property or enter 0 to finish:
Calculate individual phase properties (y/n)?
Select an additional property or enter 0 to finish:
Calculate individual phase properties (y/n)?
Select an additional property or enter 0 to finish:
Calculate individual phase properties (y/n)?
Select an additional property or enter 0 to finish:
Calculate individual phase properties (y/n)?
Select an additional property or enter 0 to finish:
Calculate individual phase properties (y/n)?
Select an additional property or enter 0 to finish:
Calculate individual phase properties (y/n)?
Select an additional property or enter 0 to finish:
Calculate individual phase properties (y/n)?
Select an additional property or enter 0 to finish:
Change default variable range (y/n)?
error vertex unspecified error ier=999
real= 0.000000
i= 0
char=user changed grid parms?
Press Enter to quit…
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_INVALID_FLAG IEEE_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_26312/ in
----> 1 create_perplex_table(‘/home/votieno/Work/Perplex/werami’, ‘Earth3’, ‘Earth1stx3’, 2, 2)
~/Work/Burn3/burnman-1.0/burnman/classes/ in create_perplex_table(werami_path, project_name, outfile, n_pressures, n_temperatures, pressure_range, temperature_range)
65 stdout = p.communicate(input=stdin)[0]
66 print(stdout)
—> 67 out = [s for s in stdout.split(‘\n’) if ‘Output has been written to the’ in s][0].split()[-1]
68 rename(out, outfile)
69 print(‘Output file renamed to {0:s}’.format(outfile))
IndexError: list index out of range