Rayleigh Team Meetings

Hi Everyone,

First, please see my earlier post concerning the latest Rayleigh release 1.0.1. It contains a very important bug fix that impacts a small number of users. Moving forward, we are planning to release quarterly updates to Rayleigh, and all subsequent changes of note to the code may now be found in CHANGELOG.md in the top-level Rayleigh directory.

In addition, we will be holding bi-weekly telcons via Zoom this spring on Fridays from 10:00-11:30 a.m. MT (11 a.m. PT; 12 p.m. ET). Zoom information is provided at the bottom of this post. The meeting format will alternate between development-focused and general-purpose. General-purpose telecons will cover recent updates the code, documentation, upcoming development goals and user-suggested topics of discussion. Development meetings will concern the nuts-and-bolts implementation of Rayleigh’s development strategy. Those are strongly agenda-driven based on open-PR requests, Github issues, and ongoing development projects that derive from discussions in the general meetings. We invite all interested users and developers to attend either or both of these regular telecons.

The meeting schedule for spring 2022 is:

Development Telecons
January 21
February 18
March 18
April 29
May 27

General Telecons
February 4
March 4
April 1
May 13
June 10

Agenda for each telecon may be found here (along with meeting notes typed in real time).

A thread for each general telecon will be posted ahead of time. If you would like to add a topic to the agenda, please post a short description in that thread by 12 a.m. PT on the Thursday preceeding the meeting and we’ll add it to the agenda.

-Nick Featherstone on behalf of the Rayleigh team

Zoom info:
Topic: Rayleigh Team Meeting
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

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Meeting ID: 923 0014 1485
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Meeting ID: 923 0014 1485
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Meeting ID: 923 0014 1485

For some reason I can’t seem to edit this post any longer. Please note that these meetings are at 9 a.m. PT – not 11 a.m. PT as I said when trying to translate from MT.
