We are please to announce that applications are now open for the PyLith Hackathon.
Please read through all event details before beginning the application process.
All participants are expected to abide by the CIG Code of Conduct.
2025 PyLih Hackathon
June 1-7, 2025
Golden, Colorado
Applications Closes: April 15
Notification of Acceptance Begins: April 1
Limit: 16 participants
To further the development of the crustal deformation modeling code PyLith and its user community, current users and developers of PyLith will be working side-by-side over 5 days. Participants will be organized into small project teams to add functionality or examples to PyLith or related software.
List of potential projects for this year:
- PyLith + CATMIP integration
- Expand capabilities of pylith_viz
- Time-stepping algorithms
- Mesh generation with Gmsh
- Point sources
- Extend output fields
- SymPy for physics kernels
- Spatial-temporal databases
- PyLith + SCEC Community Rheology Model integration